
▌ Academic Course

B.Tech (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering Syllabus)
Semester IWinterSemester IISummerSemester IIISemester IVSemester VSemester VISummerSemester VIISemester VIIIElectives
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA1101 Functions of Several Variables 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1010 Physics I 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
AM1100 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
CS1100 Introduction to Programming 3 0 0 3 6 12 E
ME1100 Thermodynamics 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
OE1101 Introduction to Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering 2 0 0 0 4 6 P
Total 17 4 0 3 34 58
NCC/NSS 0 0 0 0 2 0
LIFE SKILLS 0 0 0 0 3 0
Introduction to Ocean Engineering


Enable the student to understand and familiarize with Oceanography, marine vehicles and offshore structures


Offshore Structures for oil and gas: Fixed offshore platforms (jackets, gravity platforms, articulated towers); superstructure & foundation, floating platforms (semi-submersibles, jack-ups, TLPS, FPSOs, pipe laying barges); Mooring, station keeping, berthing systems for floating platforms; towing launching & installation of platforms, Nearshore structures.

Marine Vehicles: Oceangoing, ship types, types of small crafts, high speed crafts, vehicles for Inland water transport, special ship types, e.g. warships, icebreakers, types of propulsion systems, marine safety regulation, underwater vehicles and submersibles.

Physical Oceanography: Physical properties of seawater, Different types of ocean waves and their importance, tides, ocean currents, ocean circulation, ocean basin oscillations, Tsunamis, storm surge, Air-sea interaction.

Geological Oceanography: Features of ocean boundaries, geomorphology and structures of ocean floor, marine sediments & formation, types, distribution, marine mineral resources and their geophysical prospecting methods


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
WS1010 Workshop I 0 0 0 3 0 3 E


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA1102 Series and Matrices 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1020 Physics II 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1030 Physics Lab 0 0 0 3 1 4 S
CY1001 Chemistry I 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
CY1002 Chemistry Lab 0 0 0 3 0 3 S
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
OE1012 Ship Hydrostatstics and stability 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
Total 15 4 0 6 31 56
NCC/NSS 0 0 0 0 3 0
Ship Theory


Enable the student to understand ship geometry, hydrostatics parameters and their estimation, ship floatation stability, various operational effects on ship stability, ship capacity, damaged stability and launching calculations.


Lines plan and hull form coefficients – Hull forms of different types of ships and boats – Numerical techniques for ship calculations- Fluid pressure, centre of pressure – Weight estimation, centre of gravity, effect of shifting weights.

Lightship, deadweight, CG, CB – definitions – Conditions for equilibrium.

Metacentre, Hydrostatic particulars – definition and derivations.

Stability at small angles – heel, trim and angle of loll – Free surface effects – Inclining experiment – Stability at large angles – cross curves of stability – dynamic stability levers- Wind heeling moment, maximum allowable KG – Stability of grounded vessels – Submarine stability – Stability criterion for various types of crafts.

Capacity and tonnage calculations – Trim and stability booklet – Freeboard – Flooding of ships, subdivision and damage stability – Launching – Approximate method of calculation for hydrostatic particulars – data and references.


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
WS1010 Workshop I 0 0 0 3 0 3 E


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA Mathematics Elective-I 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
EE1100 Basic Electrical Engg. 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
OE2044 Ship Hydrodynamics 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
AM2200 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2013 Ship Drawing and Calculations 1 3 0 3 3 10 P
OE2023 Marine Instrumentation Lab 0 0 0 2 0 2 P
Total 16 6 0 5 33 60
Ecology & Environment 2 0 0 0 0 0
Ship Drawing and Calculations


To enable the students to get knowledge on basic engineering and ship drawings and ship


calculations, practical knowledge in the use of various naval architecture software.Introduction to basic engineering drawing. Construction of plane curves. Coordinate system projection

of lines and planes. Projection of right regular solids. Section and intersection of

solids and development of surfaces; Systems of projections – principles, conventions and

applications of orthographic and isometric projections. Dimensioning principles and conventional


Drawing and fairing of lines plan from supplied offset data; Calculations for hydrostatics,

generation of table of offsets, stability calculation,

Introduction to ship design software.

Marine Instrumentation Lab


Enable students to get work with basic instruments used in hydrodynamic and structural experiments.


Basics of instrumentation systems

Working principles of different transducers and their calibration : Strain gauges, Potentiometers,

LVDT, Velocity probes, Inclinometers, Accelerometers, Pressure transducers, Wave probes,

Load cells. Introduction to signal conditioning and data acquisition, and sources of errors in

instrumentation systems.

Reference Books :

  1. Instrumentation lab manual
  2. Beckwith,T.G., Marangoni, R.D. and Lienhard, J.H., Mechanical Measurements, Addison

Wesley, USA, 1993

  1. Collacot, R.A., Structural Integrity Monitoring, Chapman and Hall, London, 1985
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA Mathematics Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
BT1010 Life Sciences 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
OE2014 Marine Engineering 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2024 Analysis of Structures 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2034 Ship Resistance and Propulsion 3 1 0 1 6 11 P
OE2054 Ocean Wave Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 1 6 10 P
Total 18 4 0 1 36 59
Marine Engineering


  • The students will gain the understanding of marine engineering
  • To design a shipping machinery, they will be able to identify space and requirement of the machinery

The will have clear understanding the know-how of the machinery


Introduction to marine machinery -Types of marine power systems-Engine room layout -Marine diesel engines and their cycles, Fuels Super charging, Ignition and combustion problems-Fuel oil, lubricating oil-Compressed air cooling water systems.

Turbines, pumps, their types and characteristics, cavitation etc.

Marine boilers, Composite boilers-Exhaust gas and heat exchangers-Economizers, Super heaters.

Auxiliary machineries-Choice of power systems for ships.

Fire fighting, Navigational aids, Steering gear, shafting, stern tubes and transmission system.


  1. Harrington,R.L. Marine Engineering, SNAME,New York (1992)

2.Taylor,D.A.,Introduction to Marine Engineering,Butterworths,London(1983)

  1. Woodward, J.B.,Low Speed Marine Diesel,Ocean Engineering,A Wiley series(1981)

4. Any standard text books on thermodynamics

Analysis of Structures


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on fundamental concept of structural analysis based

on matrix and finite element technique which can help in understanding ocean structures.


Work and energy theorems, Reciprocal theorem, Analysis of indeterminate frames and trusses, Unit load and

conjugate beam methods, introduction to Influence lines diagram, Strain energy of beams, bars and torsion

members, Matrix formulation of displacement method for frame, truss, bar and torsion members, Beam on

elastic foundation and its stiffness matrix, 3D beam element, Transformation, assembly of stiffness matrices.

Beam-column theory, Geometric stiffness matrix, Buckling of bars and frames, Introduction to finite element

method with application to buckling

2D and 3D theory of elasticity, Equilibrium and compatibility equations in cartesian and polar coordinates,

Strain-displacement relations, Plane stress and plane strain, Use of stress function in 2D problems.

Application of matrix methods to problems of marine structures.

Text Books:

  1. L S Srinath, “Advance Mechanics of Solid”, Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi, 2003
  2. F Guarracino and A Walker, “Energy Methods in Structural Mechanics”, Thomas Telford Publishing,

London, 1999.

  1. Madhulit Mukhopadhyay, Abdul Hamid Sheikh, “Matrix and Finite Element Analysis of Structure”, Ane

Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi., 2009.

Reference Books:

  1. R D Cook, D S Malkus and M E Plesha, “Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis”, John

Wiley & Sons, 1988

  1. D Menon, “Structural analysis”, Narosa, New Delhi, 2010.

3. D Menon, “Advance Structural analysis”, Narosa, New Delhi, 2010

Ship Resistance and Propulsion


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on ship resistance components, ship

power estimation methods, ship propulsion systems, propeller design methods, ship model tests for

the determination of ship resistance, ship propeller model tests and application to ship design.


Components of resistance; Form factor; Wave making resistance – ship wave systems,

interference effects, theoretical calculation of wave making resistance, wave breaking

resistance, bulbous bows and their effects.

Dimensional analysis – laws of comparison – geometrical, dynamical and kinematical similarity,

Newton’s, Froude’s and Reynold’s laws, model-ship correlation; Model testing – tank testing

facilities, testing, prediction of resistance from model tests, extrapolation (ITTC 78), Froude’s

concept, laminar influence and tank wall effect, comparison of resistance prediction with results

of full scale trials.

Air and wind resistance, resistance of appendages, added resistance in waves; Resistance in

restricted waterways – resistance in shallow water, resistance in canals; Determination of

resistance from series test results; Resistance of planing crafts, multi-hull vessels, hovercrafts,

hydrofoils, SES.

Introduction to different propulsion systems in ships; Screw propeller-screw propeller geometry,

sections, propeller drawing; Propeller theories – momentum theory, blade element theory,

circulation theory.

Interaction between hull and propeller- wake and wake fraction; thrust deduction factor,

propulsive efficiency in open water and behind conditions, hull efficiency, quasi propulsive

coefficient; Powering; Cavitation – types, cavitation number, effects of cavitation, prevention of

cavitation, design for minimum cavitation, cavitation tests.

Propeller design – propeller series, open water diagrams, design charts; Propeller design and

performance study using design charts; Engine selection; Propeller model tests – test facilities,

laws of comparison, open water test, self-propulsion test; Strength of propellers


  1. Resistance calculation using Guldhammer – Harvald series
  2. Shallow water resistance calculation
  3. Propeller design using series chart
  4. Propeller drawing ?


  1. Model test for ship resistance determination
  2. Flow-line test for identifying bilge keel position
  3. Propeller model open water test in towing tank
  4. Model test for wake fraction determination
  5. Self propulsion model test for thrust deduction fraction determination

Text Books:

  1. John Letcher, Randolph Paulling: Principles of Naval Architecture series-Ship Resistance

and flow, SNAME, U.S.A., 2009.

  1. Antony F Molland, Stephen R turnock, Ship resistance and propulsion-practical estimation of

propulsive power,2011.

  1. William Frederick Durand ; Resistance and Propulsion of Ships, Nabu Press, 2013.

Reference Books:

  1. Harvald S.A.; “Resistance and Propulsion of Ships”, John Wiley & Sons., 1983.
  2. Justin E Kerwin, Jacques B Halder:Principles of Naval Architecture series -Propulsion,

SNAME, New Jersey, 2010.

  1. John Carlton, Marine Propellers and propulsion, 2007.
  2. Baker George Stephen, Ship form, Resistance and screw propulsion, Hard press publishing,


  1. D.W. Taylor ; The Speed and Power of Ships ; A Manual of Marine Propulsion, Maritime

Press, 2013

9. D. W. Taylor ; Resistance of Ships and Screw Propulsion, Unikum, 2012.

Ship Hydrodynamics


To introduce students to different topics of fluid mechanics with emphasis on those having relevance to ship and ocean hydrodynamic applications.


Review: Continuity, Euler, Navier-Stokes (N-S) and Bernoulli equations; Divergence and Stokes

theorems; Potential flow and stream function; Elementary potential flows: parallel flow / source and

sink (2D & 3D) sink / vortex / doublet, flow over circular cylinder with and without circulation.

Role of compressibility; Vector and tensor forms of fluid dynamic equations; Common

nondimensional groups (Froude / Reynolds / Cavitation / Euler / Weber / Strouhal numbers); Stokes

law of viscosity for shear and normal stresses; Circulation and Stokes theorem (2D & 3D); Kelvin’s

circulation theorem and Helmholtz’s vorticity theorems; Vortex line and tube; Vorticity transport

equation, convection and diffusion of vorticity; Potential flow: Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, boundary conditions (rigid and oscillating body or surface, free surface etc.),

superposition of elementary flows, Rankine half and closed bodies etc., method of images, source

or vortex near wall; Kutta-Joukowski theorem and lift; D’Alembert’s paradox; Unsteady flow past

circular cylinder and sphere: added mass; Added mass tensor of rigid bodies in unbounded fluid,

its properties and symmetries; Munk moment; Cavitation; Boundary value problem of gravity waves

and its solution, dispersion and group velocity; Kelvin waves and wave resistance of thin ships.

Lifting surfaces; Foil section characterizations; Flow around a foil: generation of lift, Kutta condition;

Linearised lifting surface theory of thin 2D hydrofoil, thickness and camber problems and their

solutions, lift and moment coefficients.

N-S equations to Prandtl boundary layer (BL) equations by order of magnitude analysis; Dynamic

similarity and boundary conditions; Laminar flow, BL thickness, displacement and momentum

thicknesses; BL separation, bluff and streamlined bodies; Vortex shedding by cylinders, Karman

vortex street, role of Strouhal no.; Vortex induced vibration; Skin friction, BL along a flat plate at

zero incidence, its solution; Blasius formula; Plane Couette flow and Poiseuille flow; Impulsively

started plate; Momentum integral equation of BL; Characteristics of turbulent flow; Drag crisis in

circular cylinder and sphere; Friction due to turbulent BL over flat plate, power law, roughness

effect; N-S equations for mean time averaged quantities: RANS equations and role of CFD.

Applications of all the above in ship design and analysis.

Text Books:

  1. J.N.Newman, Marine Hydrodynamics, MIT Press, 1977
  2. O.M.Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High Speed marine Vehicles, Cambridge Uty Press, 2005
  3. V.Betram, Practical Ship Hydrodynamics, B&H, 2000

Reference Books :

3. Principles of Naval Architecture, E. V. Lewis (Ed.), SNAME Publications, 1989

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3015 Ship Structural Analysis 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE3035 Motion of Ships & Floating Systems 3 1 0 1 6 11 P
OE3035 Ship Design 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE3045 Vibration of Marine Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE3190 Design of Ocean Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Total 18 2 0 2 36 59
Ship Structures


Longitudinal strength-shear force and bending moment-still water and wave loads-deflectionsunsymmetrical

bending-bending stresses and design of midship section.

Shear flow analysis of multicell sections-Torsional analysis-Warping torsion-Determination of

shear and normal stresses-shear lag and effective breadth.

Bending of plates-stiffened, plates-orthotropic, plates-large deflection theories and applications.

Buckling and ultimate strengths of columns, plates and stiffened panels-concept of effective

width-ultimate strength of the hull guider.

Finite elements for simple plated structures-use of computer packages for the analysis of ship


Text Books:

  1. Hughes, O.E, Ship Structural Analysis and Design, SNAME , 2010
  2. Mansour, A. and Liu, D. Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures, PNA series, SNAME 2008

Reference Books

  1. Jensen, J.J, Load and Global Responses of Ships, Elsevier, 2001
  2. Bai, Y. Marine Structural Design, Elsevier, 2003
Ocean Wave Hydrodynamics


To impart B.Tech students with the knowledge on Waves and wave mechanics. Focus is on theoretical description of waves and their practical applications.


Review of Basic Fluid Mechanics: Conservation of mass and momentum, Euler Equations, Bernoulli’s

equation, velocity potential, stream function.

Waves: Classification of water waves – Two-dimensional wave equation and wave characteristics – wave

theories – Small amplitude waves – Finite amplitude waves – Stokian, Solitary and Cnoidal wave theories

– Water particle kinematics – wave energy, power – wave deformation – Reflection, Refraction,

Diffraction Breaking of waves – Wave Forecasting Methods – Spectral description of Ocean Waves –

Design wave.

Currents : Classification – Behaviour – Design Criteria, Scour and other effects of currents.

Forces : Wave forces – Morison equation – Wave loads on vertical, inclined and horizontal cylinders.

Diffraction theory – wave slamming and slapping. Model Experiments.

Lab : Measurement of wave properties such as L, H, T, C and Cg.

Text Books:

Dean, R.G. and Dalrymple, R.A., Water wave mechanics for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice-Hall,

Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994

Reference Books :

Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley Interscience Publication, New York, 1978.

Ship Motion and Control


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on ship course keeping and course

changing, control devices, ship manoeuvring experimental methods, sea trials and statutory

requirements in ship manoeuvrability, behaviour of ships in ocean wave environment and different

methods of motion control.


Ship motions – co-ordinate systems, 6 dof, uncoupled and coupled equation of motion;

hydrodynamic coefficients; wave excitation – summary of wave theory, dispersion relation, wave

pressure, velocity, acceleration; encounter frequency; motion damping effects, magnification

and tuning factors. Ship responses in regular waves.

Marine environment – Irregular seaway representations, wave spectra; Ship in seaway and

dynamic effects – Linear superposition, response amplitudes operator, motions in irregular

waves, local and relative motions, green water effects, slamming, broaching, added resistance,

powering in waves; motion sickness.

Ship and floating system motion control – Control of roll – bilge keel, free surface tanks, U-tanks,

moving weight;, fin stabilisers, gyro, active-tank;, rudder stabilization; Control of pitch.

Sea-keeping performance and design aspects; factors affecting different modes of motion;

guidelines for design; Limiting motion criteria;

Ship controllability fundamentals – the control loop, motion stability, linear equations of motion,

stability indices; Stability and control in the horizontal and vertical planes; definitive manoeuvres

– turning tests, overshoot and zigzag tests, spiral and pullout tests, accelerating, stopping and

backing tests.

Control surface hydrodynamics – rudder geometry, aspect ratio, influence of fixed structures;

Control surface design – specification of requirements and constraints on rudder design, number

of rudders, type of rudder, rudder geometry, rudder stock; Influence of ship features on controls

fixed stability.

Experimental determination of hydrodynamic derivatives – straight line test, rotating arm

technique, planar motion mechanism; Numerical methods used in ship manoeuvring problems,

ship manoeuvring simulators; IMO Rules and Recommendations. Ship manoeuvring sea trials.


Practicals :

  1. Calculation of free stream characteristics of rudder.
  2. Rudder design – dimensions, form, structure and system
  3. Estimation of hydrodynamic coefficients and RAOs using strip theory


  1. Straight line test in towing tank
  2. PMM tests in the towing tank
  3. Free running models tests in the basin
  4. Roll and heave damping coefficient estimation using free oscillation tests
  5. Ship and floating body motion response in regular waves

Text Books:

  1. Lewis,E.U, Principles of Naval Architecture, SNAME, New Jersey, U.S.A, 2010.
  2. Fossen, T.I, Guidance and Control of Marine Vehicles, John Wiley & Sons, 1999
  3. Molland,A.F and Turnock, S.R., Marine Rudders and Control Surfaces, Elsevier, 2007
  4. Lewandowski, E.M. The Dynamics of Marine Crafts – Seakeeping & Maneuvering, World

Scientific, 2004

Reference Books :

  1. Abkowitz,M.A.; Lectures on Ship Hydrodynamics – Steering and Manoeuverability, Danish

Technical Press, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1964

  1. Khac Duc Do and Jie Pan, Control of Ships and Underwater Vehicles , Springer, 2009
  2. Faltinsen, M.O. Hydrodynamics of High Speed Marine Vehicles, Cambridge Uty Press, 2005
  3. Newman J.N; ‘Marine Hydrodynamics’, MIT Press, USA, 1977

5. Newman J.N; ‘Theory of Ship Motions’, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol., 1980.

Vibration of Marine Structures & Acoustics


To enable the students to get basic knowledge of structure dynamics of single degree of freedom,

Multi-degree of freedom, continuous system, and acoustics.


Analysis of single degree of freedom systems – Time & Frequency domain methods continuous

system – Modes of vibration – Natural and forced vibration – vibration of beams – Sources of

vibration – propeller excited, wave-induced and machinery – Random vibrations – Calculation

procedure for torsional vibration of propulsion systems – empirical methods.

Hull girder vibration.

Vibration and sound instrumentation – sound transmission and absorption – Acoustic materials –

Origin and nature of machinery noise and their control – Effect of noise on human behavior – Noise

limits and legislations.

Text Books:

  1. Anil Chopra, “Dynamics of Structure” Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006.
  2. R W Clough and J Penzien, “Dynamics of Structure” McGraw-Hill International Publication,


  1. D E Newland, “Random Vibrations, Spectral and Wavelet analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 1993

Reference Books:

  1. L D Lutes and S Sarkani, “Random Vibrations”, Elsevier Butterworth, Burlington, USA, 2004.

11. J L Humar, “Dynamics of structure”, CRC Press, London, 2012.

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3036 Maneuvering & control of Marine Vehicles 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE3046 Ship Structural Design 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
Free Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
Free Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - IV 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - V 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
OExxxx Honours Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 HE
Total 15+3 2 0 0 36 56+9
Ship Design


To enable the students to get knowledge in ship design categorization, ship design methods,

different stages of ship design, hull form design methods, ship main and auxiliary systems selection and

layout, safety considerations in ships, statutory rules and regulations applicable in ship design etc. and ship

design softwares.


Marine transportation and trade routes, ship categorization – dead-weight carrier, capacity

carrier, linear dimension ship; Service ships and offshore support vessels; Advanced marine

vehicles; Ship design requirements.

Ship design methods – design using basic type ships, design using coefficients, design using

iteration methods; design spiral; Ship parameters – displacement, displacement coefficient,

displacement equation, volume equation, solution of the cubic equation; Ship dimensions, hull

form, form coefficients; Mass estimation – lightship mass – steel mass, outfit mass, engine plant

mass; dead weight.

Design of hull form – conventional method of lines, distortion of existing forms; stem and stern

contours, bulbous bow.; General arrangement – Subdivision of the ship’s hull and erections,

arrangement of spaces, arrangement of tanks, superstructure and deckhouses, arrangement of

engine plants, cargo handling capacity, hold capacity and stowage factor.

Effect of form on Ship’s performance: Freeboard and load line regulation; Stability – stability

booklet, IMO Regulations, Checks on stability, trim; Watertight integrity; damage stability,

Behaviour of ships in sea, resistance, powering, propulsion

Cargo handling equipments, cargo hatches; Anchoring and mooring systems; Accommodation

requirements, layout and design. Access equipments –hatches, manholes, doors, other closing

& opening devices, load line rules, gang ways and ladders; LSA and FFA; Steering gear

systems, navigational systems.

Tender specification; Economic considerations in ship design and building; Operational

economics; Introduction to ship design softwares.


  1. Computer-Aided ship design – owner’s requirement of ship (given), design of main

dimensions, design of form, weight estimation, hydrostatics, checks on stability, trim,

capacity, general arrangement, etc.

  1. Practicals on softwares dealing with basic ship calculations and ship design.

Text books:

  1. D.G.M.Watson, “Practical Ship Design”, Elsevier (2002)
  2. Thomas Lamb, “Ship Design and Construction”, SNAME (2003)
  3. Apostolos Papanikolaou, Ship Design: Methodologies of preliminary design, , SNAME,


Reference books:

  1. Schneekluth, H; Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Butterworths, 1987
  2. Taggart; Ship Design and Construction, SNAME, 1980.
  3. Indra Nath Bose, Energy Efficiency and Ships, SNAME, 2012..

4. Antony F Molland, A Guide to ship design, construction and operation, SNAME, 2008.

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3026 Shipyard Training (Summer) 0 0 0 0 6 6 P
Ship Design


To enable the students to get exposed to actual ship building activities and learn all the industry practice in designing and fabrication of a ship


As per industry requirements in concurrence with one faculty advisor

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OExxxx Professional Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE4050 *Project or Professional Elec - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective - VI 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - VII 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Honours Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9
Total 15+3 1 0 0 30+6 36+9
Professional Ethics 2 0 0 0 0 0
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
*Project or Professional Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
*Project or Professional Elective - IV 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective - VIII 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Honours Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9
Total 12 0 0 0 24 36+9
No Title L T Ext Lab Home Cr
ELECTIVE (A) - Mathematics
MA2010 Complex Variables 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2030 Differential Equations 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2040 Probability, Stochastic Process &Statisics 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2060 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2130 Basic Graph Theory 3 0 0 0 6 9
ELECTIVE (E) – Professional / Free for NA&OE (BTech&DD)
ME3350 Design of Machine Elements 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM3012 Joining and NDT Lab 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM3060 Metal Joining Technology 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM5320 Corrosion Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM5750 Welding Application Technology 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4300 Ocean Energy 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4400 Drilling vessels and Support Crafts 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4600 Advance ship Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Shipbuilding Material & Production Processes 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5011 Marine Robotics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5080 Marine Instrumentation 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5170 Ocean Acoustics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5230 Foundation of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5310 Guidance and control of Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5320 Nonlinear Problems in Ocean Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5330 Advanced Marine Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Advanced Structural Analysis Of Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Fishing Vessels 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Ship Outfit Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Submarine And Submersible 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Marine Corrosion, Prevention And Control 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Ship Electrical And Electronic Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Ship Positioning Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of High Speed Vessels 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Warship Design 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Analysis And Design Tools In Marine Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Laboratory Modelling In Marine Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design, Construction and Operation of LNG Carriers and Terminals 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5450 Numerical Techniques in Ocean Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5500 FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5600 Advanced Wave Dynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5800 Coastal Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6005 Reliability of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6020 Mesh-free Methods Applied to Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6200 Design of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6300 Plated Structures and Shells 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6930 Modeling of Offshore and Coastal Processes 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6980 Computer Aided Surface Development of Marine 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6990 Advanced Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
PE6060 HSE Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
Design of Ocean Structures


To make the students understand the basic principles of design of ocean structures. The course will cover the wide areas such as coastal structures (breakwaters, jetties, ports and harbours) and offshore structures (fixed platforms, floating structures) and the wave-structure interaction.


Coastal Structures:

Design principles of breakwater, seawall, groynes, berthing structures, quaywalls and open sea jetty, breasting and mooring dolphins; Dry Docks, Slipways; Code Provisions : IS 4651, IS 2911 and BS 6349

Offshore Structures:

Concepts and design principles of jacket and topside structures, Tension Leg Platforms, Spar Structures, Jackups and FPSO’s; Concepts and design of foundation for offshore structures; Code Provisions : API RP 2A and API RP 2T

Text Books:

1.Coastal Hydrualics by A.M.M. Wood and C.A. Fleming, Macmillan Press Limited, 1981.

2.Coastal Engineering by K. Horikawa, University of Tokyo Press, 1978

3.Design and Construction of Port and Marine Structures by A. D. Quinn, McGraw-Hill Book Company

4.Port Design – Guidelines and recommendations by C. A. Thoresen, Tapir Publications

5.Design of Marine Facilities for the Berthing, Mooring and Repair of Vessels by J. W. Gaythwaite, Van Nostrand;

Reference Books:

Handbook of Offshore Engineering by S.K. Chakrabarti, Elseviers, 2005.

Ocean Energy


In the world’s present scenario, there is a need for exploring alternative energy sources especially renewable sources like ocean energy. This course will throw light into ocean energy and extraction principles and, create an interest to contribute for the successful extraction of energy from the Ocean in the future.


Generation of waves – Wave theories – Tidal waves – Energy from oceans – Tides, Waves, Currents, Salinity and thermal gradients with special reference to Indian coast – Energy converters for extraction of ocean energy – Design principles of wave power, tidal power and OTEC systems –Cost–benefit analysis.

Advance ship Hydrodynamics


The objective of the course is to introduce advanced theoretical and numerical methods of hydrodynamics needed to determine the resistance and motion characteristics of marine vehicles.


  1. Introduction. Review of basic hydrodynamics, wave mechanics and complexities of practical Ship Hydrodynamics problems.
  2. Navier-Stokes Equation: Formulation and derivation of ship hydrodynamics in real fluids. Some exact solutions including of impulsively started plate. Boundary-Layer theory. Blasius solution. Friction lines of ships.
  3. Computational Fluid Dynamics: Introduction to boundary-integral and finite-difference methods applied for ship hydrodynamics problems. Application of vortex-lattice and panel methods for lifting surface hydrodynamics.
  4. Approximate Methods: Slender body theory; Strip theory for determining ship motion in waves. Michell’s thin ship theory to determine wave resistance.
  5. Recent Advances: Discussion of recent developments and frontier problems in Ship Hydrodynamic

Reference Books and Notes:

  1. Class and lecture notes
  1. N. Newman, “Marine Hydrodynamics,” MIT Press.
  1. M. Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles, Cambridge University Press
  1. Select journal articles in ship hydrodynamics.
Shipbuilding Material & Production Processes


To introduce B.Tech/ M.Tech (Dual Degree) students to the building blocks and principles in the area of ship production and to seed the plants of research and design in their minds. The proposed topics have been arranged with help of experts from shipyard and well known academicians.


Materials (Steel, Aluminum and Composites), Introduction to Marine Corrosion and Control; Painting schemes.

Shipyard layout; Steel stockyard and material; Material preparation – straightening of plates and rolled sections, shot/sand blasting, priming; Fabrication of component parts.

Block assembly processes, Metal cutting processes, Bending of rolled and built up sections; Plate bending. Line heating. Line heating and welding methods, standards, symbols. Sub-assemblies: web frames, machine foundations etc.;

Product standardization and work simplification; Piping, framing, cabling, ventilation, foundation, and accommodation; Painting; Insulation; Product work breakdown and integrated zone engineering;

Prefabrication of panels, panel production line, Assembly of flat and corrugated sections, flat sections with curvature – assembly jigs; Pre-assembly of volume units – double bottom sections–side tank units–structural arrangement; Preassembly of the fore and aft end structure; superstructures.

Erection of ship hull, Auxiliary devices; Deformation of the ship’s hull; Quality control (X-ray tests etc); Scaffolding, Manufacturing Shop floor planning, Activities in shipyard pipe, machine and shipwrights shops. Launching – General methods, Launching by floating off, slipway launching – stern launching, side launching;

Linear programming concepts; Network analysis; Scheduling and resource allocation; Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) in production planning and control; Operations management principles and methods, Applications to the production of complex marine systems such as ships, offshore structures, and yachts.

Tutorials: Planning and scheduling in Matlab, RDBMS in MS-Access; computations in Ms-Excel, Shell expansion drawing, plate nesting, docking plan, launching calculations.

Text books:

[1] George J. Bruce, David J. Eyres (2012), “Ship Construction”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 7th edition.

[2] Ben C. Gerwick Jr. (2007), “Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures”, CRC Press, 3rd edition.

[3] Robert Taggart (1980), “Ship Design and Construction”, SNAME, USA.

[4] L. N. Aggarwal, K. C. Jain (2014), “Production Planning Control & Industrial Management”, Khanna Publishers, India.

Reference books

[1] Richard L. Storch, Colin P. Hammon, Howard M. Bunch (1988), “Ship Production”, Cornell Maritime Pr/Tidewater Publication, 1st edition.

[2] John Letcher, J. Randolph Paulling (2010), “The Principles of Naval Architecture Series: The Geometry of Ships”, SNAME, USA.

Marine Instrumentation


This course focuses on the principles of ocean instrumentation. All instruments consist of the following stages: transduction, signal conditioning, and data observation/analysis. This course describes these principles by using specific instruments such as SONAR, Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profilers, current measurements, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP). In addition to this the course also discusses data analysis for the different measurements recorded by the instruments.


Dynamic response of measuring instruments (with examples), Acoustic instruments and transducers, CTD construction and operation, Expendable ocean instruments, current profilers, and strain gauges, Acoustic positioning systems. Sampling, Spectral Analysis, Basic Filtering, Measuring system response using spectral analysis (magnitude and phase response).

Textbook and Reference Materials

  1. “Mechanical Measurements,” by Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, and John H. Lienhard V, 6th Edition, 2009 ISBN 9780122274305 published by Prentice Hall
  2. James Irish, and Albert Williams III. 2.693 “Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems – Sensors and Measurements (13.998)”, Spring 2004. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 30 Jan, 2015). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
  3. “Encyclopedia of OceanSciences” 2nd Edition Six Volumes set, 2009ISBN9780122274305 published by Academic Press
Ocean Acoustics


The objective of the course is to introduce principles and properties of underwater acoustics through formulation and analysis of transmission, reflection, absorption, attenuation of sound waves in the ocean including boundary and stratification effects.


  1. Introduction. Physical properties of sea water. Effects of density, salinity and temperature on sound speed. Underwater sound channels (USC). Surface and bottom effects. Ambient noise.
  2. Sound Propagation: Wave equation;Helmholtz equation; Lighthill’s acoustic analogy; Point source and plane wave solutions; Refraction of sound waves; Snell’s Law; Caustics and shadow zones; Ray theory.
  • Reflection and Transmission: Changes at an interface between to immiscible liquids. Transmission of sound from air to water and vice versa; Reflection from ocean bottom; Propagation of sound in shallow water.
  1. Sound propagation in Underwater Sound Channel (USC): Ray theory for USC; Munk’s model; Acoustic field as sum of normal modes; Analysis based on a parabolic equation,
  2. Scattering of Sound: Scattering at rough boundary surfaces; Method of small perturbation (MSP); Scattering of sound by surface waves and internal waves.
  3. Sound Radiation: Generation of sound by marine vehicles and offshore platforms.

Acoustics Applications: Remote sensing; Underwater communication; Sonar principle and use; Acoustic tomography; Geophysical seismic exploration.

Reference Books and Notes:

  1. M. Brekhovskikh and Yu. P. Lysanov, “Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics,” Springer Series on Wave Phenomena (Edited by L.B. Felsen), Springer-Verlag, 1982.
  2. Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Sanders, “Fundamentals of Acoustics”, 4th edition, 1999.
  3. Class and lecture notes
Advanced Marine Structures


The course will give a brief overview of Ultimate load design principles and plastic capacity of sections Capacity estimate of tubular joints under axial, flexural and torsional buckling will be discussed. Fundamentals of impact analysis and its application to collision problems on marine structures will be also highlighted. A brief section on fluid-structure interaction highlighting flow induced vibration will be presented. Introductory topics on reliability of marine structures including FOSM and AFSOM methods will be also discussed. Concepts of fatigue analysis and design of marine structures will be presented. The focus is on detailed explanation of topics through numerical examples.


Module 1: Ultimate load design: Principles and factors affecting the strength. Fundamentals of plastic analysis of sections- estimate of plastic capacity of beams and frames- application to marine structures. Theories of failure- Capacity estimate of tubular joints under axial, flexural and torsional buckling-design examples. Fundamentals of impact analysis

Module 2: Fluid-structure interaction- elements of flow-induced vibration- Flow through perforated members

Module 3: Introduction to reliability of marine structures- Reliability concepts and methods- FOSM and AFSOM methods

Module 4: Fatigue and fracture- fatigue failure- cumulative fatigue damage models- fatigue analysis and design of marine structures-spectral fatigue damage

Text Books

  1. Arvid Naess and Torgeir Moan. 2013. Stochastic dynamics of marine structures, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
  2. Chaudhary, G.K and Dover, W.D. 1985. Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subjected to sea wave loading, Int. J. Fatigue, 7.
  3. Gerwick, B.C.Jr. 1986. Construction of Offshore Structures: John Wiley, New York.
  4. Haldar, A., and Mahadevan, S. 2000. Probability, reliability and statistical methods in engineering design. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  5. Hsu, H.T. 1981. Applied Offshore Structural Engineering: Gulf Publishing Co., Houston.
  6. Melchers RE. (1999). Structural reliability: analysis and prediction, 2nd Edition, John Wiley.
  7. Papoulis, A. and Pillai, SU (1991). Probability, random variables and stochastic processes, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  8. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2015a. Dynamic analysis and design of ocean structures. Springer, INDIA, ISBN: 978-81-322-2276-7.
  9. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2015b. Advanced Marine structures, CRC Press, Florida (USA), ISBN 9781498739689.
  10. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2016. Offshore structural engineering: Reliability and Risk Assessment. CRC Press, Florida, ISBN:978-14-987-6519-0.
  11. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran and A.K.Jain. 2016. Ocean structures: Construction, Materials and Operations, CRC Press, Florida, ISBN: 978-14-987-9742-9.
  12. Throft-Christensen, P. and Baker,M. (1982). Structural reliability theory and applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  13. Wirsching, P., Palz K. Ortiz. 2006. Random vibration: Theory and Practice, Dover, NY.

Reference Books:

  1. Ang, AHS and Tang, WH. 1975. Probability concepts in engineering and design, Volume 1 – Basic concepts, John Wiley, NY
  2. Ang, AHS and Tang, WH. 1975. Probability concepts in engineering and design, Volume 2 – Basic concepts, John Wiley, NY
  3. ASTM E 1049-85. 2005. Rain flow counting method, 1987.
  4. Benjamin, JR and Cornell, CA. 1970. Probability, statistics and decisions for civil engineers, John Wiley, New York.
  5. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1987. Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures: Computational Mechanics.
  6. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1990. Non-linear method in offshore engineering, Elsevier Science Publisher, The Netherlands.
  7. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1994.Offshore Structure Modeling: World Scientific.
  8. Clauss, G. T. et al. 1992. Offshore Structures, Vol 1 – Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics: Springer, London.
  9. Dawson, T. H., 1983. Offshore Structural Engineering: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  10. Graff, W.J. 1981. Introduction to offshore structures: Design, fabrication and installation: Gulf Publishing Co, Tokyo.
  11. Graff, W.J. 1981. Introduction to Offshore Structures: Gulf Publishing Co., Houston.
  12. John S. Popovics, Jerzy Zemajtis and Iosif Shkolnik. 2008. Studies on static and dynamic modulus of elasticity, ACI-CRC report.
  13. Kam, J.C.P and Dover, W.D. 1989. Advanced tool for fast assessment of fatigue under offshore random wave stress hostory, INtn of Engrs, Part. 2, 87:539-556.
  14. Kam, J.C.P. and Dover, W.D. 1988. Fast fatigue assessment procedure for offshore structure under random time history, Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 85:689-700.
  15. Love A.E.H. 1994. Mathematical theory of elasticity,, Dover publications Inc, NY.
  16. Madsen, HO, Krenk, S. and NC Lind, NC. (2006). Methods of structural safety, Dover.
  17. Mather, A. 2000. Offshore Engineering: an Introduction, 2nd edn: Witherby
  18. Matsuishi, M. and T. Endo. 1968. Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stresses, Japan Soc. of Mech. Engrs, Fukuoka, Japan, 3:37-40.
  19. Neviele, A. M. 1997. Properties of concrete, 4th Ed, JOhn Wiley & Sons, NY.
  20. Sadehi, K. 1989. Design and analysis of Marine structures: Khajeh Nasirroddin Tsi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  21. Sarpkaya, T. and Isaacson, M. 1981. Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  22. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran and Subrata Kumar Bhattacharyya. 2012. Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures with illustrated examples. Human Resource Development Center for Offshore and Plant Engineering (HOPE Center), Changwon National University Press, Republic of Korea ISBN: 978-89-963915-5-5.

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2014. Advanced Theory on Offshore Plant FEED Engineering, Changwon National University, Republic of South Korea, pp. 237. ISBN:978-89-969792-8-9

Numerical Techniques in Ocean Hydrodynamics


This course is aimed at capability building in students in hydrodyamic computation and code development using traditional and contemporary models. Students are required to carry out a number of basic numerical and advanced hydrodynamic formulations and code development


Revisit Fluid Dynamics fundamentals. Numerical solution of Diffusion, Advection and Burgers’ equations . Requirements of numerical solutions – Lax theorem; linear stability analysis. Introduction to CFD concepts: Pressure elimination, Pressure correction and Split algorithms; modeling of turbulence; introduction to LES, DES and DNS. Computations in solution of PDEs, Pressure elimination and Pressure correction. Introduction to computations using unstructured meshes.
Introduction to Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics: Partial differential equations of inviscid hydrodynamics; Code development and computations of hydrodynamics of wave-structure interaction for fixed and floating bodies using BIEM, BEM and FEM techniques; Application of Fast methods; Time domain computation – non-linear velocity potential and acceleration potential approaches. Free surface computation in viscous models – VOF and Levelset. Computation of the motions of ships in waves. Forward speed problem and computation. Integral boundary layer equations and numerical solutions.
Introduction to Parallel Machines and High Performance Computing.
Text Books: NIL
Reference Books: Anderson, D. Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1995. Tannehill, C., Anderson, D and Pletcher, R. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 1997. Newman, JN. Marine Hydrodynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1977. Journal and thesis publications and prescribed by teacher.

FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering


To familiarize the application of FE techniques in the field of Ocean Hydrodynamics with emphasis on all key elements of the method.


Introduction – Different approaches to finite element formulation – Different types of element and interpolation functions, Lagrange & Hermite Polynomials, natural co-ordinates – Derivation of element property matrices – Assembly – solution of finite element equations – Structural and geotechnical problems – Nonlinear analysis.

Application to fluid mechanics problems, Fluid-structure interaction – Diffraction of waves, 2D formulation using mild – slope equation – use of infinite elements – Added mass and damping matrices for floating bodies, 2D formulation – Harbour resonance, Liquid sloshing – Vibrations of underwater structures

Introduction to Particle based methods/ Lattice Boltzmann Method.

Text Books:

  • N. Reddy. 1984. An Introduction to the finite element method. McGraw Hill. (third edition, 2005)
  • C. Zienkiewicz, R.W. Lewis and K.G. Stagg (eds.) 1978. Numerical methods in Offshore Engineering. Wiley.

Reference Books:

  • D. Cook. 1981. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. Wiley.
  • C. Zienkiewicz. 1977. The Finite Element Method. McGraw Hill. (vol.I, II, III)
  • J. Bathe. 1981. FE procedures in Engineering Analysis.
Advanced Wave Dynamics



Coastal Engineering


To cover the behavior of waves and sediments in the near shore region and their application to coastal Engineering practice with a few case studies.


Waves in shallow waters – Shoaling, refraction, diffraction and breaking– Interaction currents and waves- near shore currents-wave run-up and overtopping- coastal sediment characteristics- Initiation of sediment motion under waves- Radiation stress-wave set-up and wave set- down- mechanics of coastal sediment transport – Limits for littoral drift – Suspended and Bed Load – alongshore sediment transport rate – Distribution of alongshore currents and Sediment transport rates in Surf zone. Physical modeling in Coastal Engineering. Onshore offshore sediment transport – Stability of tidal inlets- Coastal features – Beach Features – Beach cycles – Beach Stability – Beach profiles -Coastal erosion, Planning and methods of coast protection works – Design of shore defense structures – Non-breaking and breaking wave forces on coastal structures -Breakwaters- Classification, Design and application in coastal protection and harbor planning- Case studies on coastal erosion and protection-Generation, propagation and effect of tsunami.

Text Books:

Horikawa,K., Coastal Engineering, University of Tokyo press, 1978

Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York, 1978

Kamphius,J.W. Introduction to coastal Engineering and Management, Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 16, World Scientific,2002.


Reeve,D., Chadwick, A. and Fleming, C. Coastal Engineering-Processes, theory and design practice, Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London & Paris,2004

Silvester,R. and Hsu,J.R.C. Coastal Stabilisation, Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 14, World Scientific, 1997.

Coastal Engineering Manual, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000,, Vol. 1 to 3, July 2003.

Wood,M., Coastal Hydraulics: Mcmillan, Civil Engineering Hydraulics, London, 1969

Decisions.” CIFE Technical Report (177), Stanford University, Stanford.

Reliability of Offshore Structures



Mesh-free Methods Applied to Hydrodynamics


To introduce the students to Meshfree or particle Methods and to show them that there are alternatives to the Mesh based Methods, which are currently being used by the numerical modeling group worldwide.


Numerical modelling; Basics of fluid mechanics; NS – Eulerian and Lagrangian Formulations; Free surface and Body boundary conditions; Time split algorithms; Strong and Weak forms; Weighted Residual methods.

Overview of mesh based methods and meshfree methods; Basic techniques; Categories of meshfree methods; shape function constructions – Issues; SPH; Point Interpolations; Moving least square method; Shepard Functions; Error estimations; Support domain and Influence domain; Weight functions; Meshfree Integrations; Computational Cost; Conservation and Convergence.

Meshfree methods based on Global weak form – EFG; Meshfree methods based on Local weak form – MLPG; Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics; Moving Particle Semi-Implicit method; Essential Boundary conditions – Issues; Turbulence – Sub-particle scale; Meshfree methods applied to fluid dynamics problem; Matrix formulations and solution methods in meshfree methods; application to floating bodies, coastal engineering.

Text Books:

[1] G.R. Liu (2006), “Mesh free methods: Moving beyond the finite element method”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, US.

Reference Books:

[1] J. Anderson (1995), “Computational Fluid Dynamics: The basics with applications”, McGraw-Hill, USA.

[2] Li H and Mulay SS (2013), “Meshless methods and their numerical properties”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, US.

[3] S.N. Atluri (2004), “The Meshless method (MLPG) for domain and BIE discretizations”, Tech Science Press.

[4] G.R. Liu and M.B. Liu (2003), “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”, World Scientific, Singapore. (also available as E-book)

Design of Offshore Structures


Loads on offshore structures

Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine Growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability distribution; Seismic Loads;

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling, Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines);

Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads

Simple tubular joints; stress concentration factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations.

Jackup Rigs

Configuration and operation of jackups; Simplified analysis; Spudcan penetration and extraction; Spudcan – pile interaction; Design of jackup legs;

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and Collision)

Behaviour of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and Plastic design methods

Example tutorial problems on design of tubular members, Stress concentration factors, fatigue estimation, wave load on structures

Modeling of Offshore and Coastal Processes


This computational lab based course provides hands on training on state of the art wave propagation, circulation and morphodynamic models.


Theories of wind – generated ocean waves – Wind-wave Modelling: Third generation Wind – Wave modelling: WAM, SWAN & STWAVE for wave hind-casting and forecasting.

Deformation of water waves: Solution of Helmholtz and Mild slope equations; Nearshore wave propagation in phase-averaging and phase-resolving models; Boussinesq wave model; applications to large bodies and harbours – computations in 2D; introduction to public domain and industry software.

Ocean hydrodynamics: Circulation with Tide, Temperature & Salinity; Turbulence in Ocean; Shallow Water Equations and their solution; applications to Nearshore circulation; Storm surge & Tsunami. Modelling of scalar transport and morphodynamics.

Text Books:

Dyke, P. Modeling Coastal and Offshore Processes. Imperial College Press, 2007.

Komen, G.J., Cavaleri, L., Donelan, M., Hasselmann, K., Hasselmann, S., Janssen, P.A.E.M. Dynamics and modeling of ocean waves, Cambridge university press, New York, 1994.

Nielsen, P. Coastal and Estuarine Processes, World Scientific, 2009.

Reference Books:

Mellor G.L., User Guide for a three-dimensional, primitive equation, numerical ocean model, 1998.

Computer Aided Surface Development of Marine


In a structured manner, this course introduces the mathematics and programming implementation of geometric design that is needed to design smooth and fair curves, surfaces and volumes for engineering sciences – free form shapes.


Module 1: Introduction and classification of geometric modeling forms for curves, surfaces and volumes; differential geometry of curves and surfaces; introduction to spline curves; Bezier splines; Uniform/non-uniform Rational B-splines; and fitting, fairing and generalized cylinders.

Module 2: Introduction to blending surfaces; intersection problems in geometric design; offsets of parametric curves, surfaces and volumes; constructive solid geometry, boundary representation; decomposition models; and advanced topics in differential geometry.

Module 3: Object matching; finite element and boundary element meshing algorithms; robustness of geometric computations; introduction to interval methods; scientific visualization; variational geometry; tolerances; inspection methods; feature representation and recognition; and shape interrogation for design, analysis, and manufacturing.

Text books

[1] G. Farin (2001), Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics, 5th edition, Morgan Kaufmann, USA.

[2] D. F. Rogers and J. A. Adams (1989), Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, India.

Reference books

[1] K. K. Dube (2009), Differential Geometry and Tensors, I. K. International Publishing House PL, India.

[2] Q. Khan (2012), Differential Geometry of Manifolds, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited, India.

[3] N. M. Patrikalakis and T. Maekawa (2010), Shape Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Springer.

[4] D. Somasundaram (2008), Differential Geometry: A First Course, Narosa Book Distributors, India.

Advanced Marine Vehicles


Enable the student to understand, characterize, evaluate resistance, powering and basic hydrodynamic behaviour of advance marine vehicle including warship and submarine


  1. An introduction in advanced marine vehicle (AMV) types.
  2. The basic principles of the different types of advanced marine vehicles will be explained, supported by data of recently build vessels.
  3. Hydrodynamic aspects, the contradiction between resistance and propulsion and on the other hand ships movements will be dealt with.
  4. Design strategies in the design of advanced marine vehicles.
  5. Several types of propulsion systems such as but not limited to water jets, cavitating and non cavitating propellers.
  6. Structural Aspects of AMVs
  7. An introduction to warship and Submarines
  8. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic aspects of warship and Submarine.

Reference Books :

1.Thomas Lamp “Ship Design and Construction” Vol1 and Vol 2 published by SNAME

2.Liang Yun ” High Performance marine vessels” Springer publication3.PJ Gates “Surface Warship-An Introduction to design principles” 1987 Brassey’s Defence Publisher

3.PJ Gates “Surface Warship-An Introduction to design principles” 1987 Brassey’s Defence Publishers.

HSE Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering


  • The course aims to introduce the post-graduate students the basics of oil and gas production systems which will mainly include artificial pumping systems for petroleum production and designing of surface production operations related to storage and processing of reservoir fluids.
  • The course aims to bridge knowledge gap of the students between Drilling and Well Completions and the Petroleum Production Operations.


Petroleum production system, Properties of oil and natural gas, Multi-phase flows in pipes, Inflow performance, Well deliverability, Forecast of well production, natural flow.

Design and analysis of artificial lift systems, selection procedure, pump classification, Sucker rod pump, pumping units, issues in sucker rod pumps, gas interference, Introduction to Electrical submersible pump, pump and motor assembly, gas separator, failure modes, Progressive cavity pump, metallic and non-metallic stator, Hydraulic pump, jet pump, Gas lift, Continuous and intermittent flow gas lift, gas lift valves, Plunger lift.

Reservoir fluid and produced water composition, fluid production system, sand production, three phase fluid separation, classification of separator, components of separator, design of separator, liquid level control, dehydration, demulsification and desalting of oil, produced water treatment, flow control and metering system, oil and gas storage, safety and control systems.

Text books:

  • Petroleum Production Engineering, B. Guo, WC Lyon and A gambhor, Elsevier, 2007.
  • Gas Well Deliquification, JF Lea, HV Nickens, MR Wells , Elsevier, 2008.
  • Standard handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, W.C. Lyons, Gulf publishing Company.
  • Surface production Operations, Volume 1&2, K Arnold and M Stewart, gulf Publishing Company.
  • Electric Submersible Pump, G. Takacs, Elsevier, 2008.
  • Hand Book for Electric Submersible Pump, Centrilift, 1997.
  • Progressive Cavity Pumps, Downhole Pumps, and Mud Motors, Lev Nelik, Gulf publishing company, TX, 2005.
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Engineering, W.C. Lyons, Elsevier. 2010.
  • Gas Lift Manual, API, 1994.
  • The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, K.E. Brown, Pennwell Books, Oklahama, 1980.
  • Petroleum Production Systems, Economides et al., Prenticehall, New jersey, 1994.
  • Production Optimization, H.D. Beggs, OGCI and Petroskills Publications, Tulsa-Oklahama, 2003.
Reference books:

Petroleum Engineering hand book, Vol VI. SPE, 2007.

B.Tech & M.Tech( Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering)
Semester IWinterSemester IISummerSemester IIISemester IVSemester VSemester VISummerSemester VIISemester VIIISummerSemester IXSemester XElectives
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA1101 Functions of Several Variables 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1010 Physics I 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
AM1100 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
CS1100 Introduction to Programming 3 0 0 3 6 12 E
ME1100 Thermodynamics 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
OE1101 Introduction to Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering 2 0 0 0 4 6 P
Total 17 4 0 3 34 58
NCC/NSS 0 0 0 0 2 0
LIFE SKILLS 0 0 0 0 3 0
Introduction to Ocean Engineering


Enable the student to understand and familiarize with Oceanography, marine vehicles and offshore structures


Offshore Structures for oil and gas: Fixed offshore platforms (jackets, gravity platforms, articulated towers); superstructure & foundation, floating platforms (semi-submersibles, jack-ups, TLPS, FPSOs, pipe laying barges); Mooring, station keeping, berthing systems for floating platforms; towing launching & installation of platforms, Nearshore structures.

Marine Vehicles: Oceangoing, ship types, types of small crafts, high speed crafts, vehicles for Inland water transport, special ship types, e.g. warships, icebreakers, types of propulsion systems, marine safety regulation, underwater vehicles and submersibles.

Physical Oceanography: Physical properties of seawater, Different types of ocean waves and their importance, tides, ocean currents, ocean circulation, ocean basin oscillations, Tsunamis, storm surge, Air-sea interaction.

Geological Oceanography: Features of ocean boundaries, geomorphology and structures of ocean floor, marine sediments & formation, types, distribution, marine mineral resources and their geophysical prospecting methods


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
WS1010 Workshop I 0 0 0 3 0 3 E


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA1102 Series and Matrices 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1020 Physics II 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
PH1030 Physics Lab 0 0 0 3 1 4 S
CY1001 Chemistry I 3 1 0 0 6 10 S
CY1002 Chemistry Lab 0 0 0 3 0 3 S
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
OE1012 Ship Hydrostatics and Stability Theory 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
Total 15 4 0 6 31 56
NCC/NSS 0 0 0 0 3 0
Ship Theory


Enable the student to understand ship geometry, hydrostatics parameters and their estimation, ship floatation stability, various operational effects on ship stability, ship capacity, damaged stability and launching calculations.


Lines plan and hull form coefficients – Hull forms of different types of ships and boats – Numerical techniques for ship calculations- Fluid pressure, centre of pressure – Weight estimation, centre of gravity, effect of shifting weights.

Lightship, deadweight, CG, CB – definitions – Conditions for equilibrium.

Metacentre, Hydrostatic particulars – definition and derivations.

Stability at small angles – heel, trim and angle of loll – Free surface effects – Inclining experiment – Stability at large angles – cross curves of stability – dynamic stability levers- Wind heeling moment, maximum allowable KG – Stability of grounded vessels – Submarine stability – Stability criterion for various types of crafts.

Capacity and tonnage calculations – Trim and stability booklet – Freeboard – Flooding of ships, subdivision and damage stability – Launching – Approximate method of calculation for hydrostatic particulars – data and references.


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
WS1010 Workshop I 0 0 0 3 0 3 E


Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA Mathematics Elective-I 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
EE1100 Basic Electrical Engg. 3 1 0 0 6 10 E
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
OE2044 Ship Hydrodynamics 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
AM2200 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2013 Ship Drawing and Calculations 1 3 0 3 3 10 P
OE2023 Marine Instrumentation Lab 0 0 0 2 0 2 P
Total 16 6 0 5 33 60
Ecology & Environment 2 0 0 0 0 0
Ship Drawing and Calculations


To enable the students to get knowledge on basic engineering and ship drawings and ship

calculations, practical knowledge in the use of various naval architecture software.


Introduction to basic engineering drawing. Construction of plane curves. Coordinate system projection

of lines and planes. Projection of right regular solids. Section and intersection of

solids and development of surfaces; Systems of projections – principles, conventions and

applications of orthographic and isometric projections. Dimensioning principles and conventional


Drawing and fairing of lines plan from supplied offset data; Calculations for hydrostatics,

generation of table of offsets, stability calculation,

Introduction to ship design software.

Marine Instrumentation Lab


Enable students to get work with basic instruments used in hydrodynamic and structural experiments.


Basics of instrumentation systems

Working principles of different transducers and their calibration : Strain gauges, Potentiometers,

LVDT, Velocity probes, Inclinometers, Accelerometers, Pressure transducers, Wave probes,

Load cells. Introduction to signal conditioning and data acquisition, and sources of errors in

instrumentation systems.

Reference Books :

  1. Instrumentation lab manual
  2. Beckwith,T.G., Marangoni, R.D. and Lienhard, J.H., Mechanical Measurements, Addison

Wesley, USA, 1993

3. Collacot, R.A., Structural Integrity Monitoring, Chapman and Hall, London, 1985

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
MA Mathematics Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
BT1010 Life Sciences 3 0 0 0 6 9 S
OE2014 Marine Engineering 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2024 Analysis of Structures 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE2034 Ship Resistance and Propulsion 3 1 0 1 6 11 P
OE2044 Ocean Wave Hydrodynamics 3 1 0 1 6 10 P
Total 18 4 0 1 36 59
Marine Engineering


  • The students will gain the understanding of marine engineering
  • To design a shipping machinery, they will be able to identify space and requirement of the machinery

The will have clear understanding the know-how of the machinery


Introduction to marine machinery -Types of marine power systems-Engine room layout -Marine diesel engines and their cycles, Fuels Super charging, Ignition and combustion problems-Fuel oil, lubricating oil-Compressed air cooling water systems.

Turbines, pumps, their types and characteristics, cavitation etc.

Marine boilers, Composite boilers-Exhaust gas and heat exchangers-Economizers, Super heaters.

Auxiliary machineries-Choice of power systems for ships.

Fire fighting, Navigational aids, Steering gear, shafting, stern tubes and transmission system.


  1. Harrington,R.L. Marine Engineering, SNAME,New York (1992)

2.Taylor,D.A.,Introduction to Marine Engineering,Butterworths,London(1983)

  1. Woodward, J.B.,Low Speed Marine Diesel,Ocean Engineering,A Wiley series(1981)
  1. Any standard text books on thermodynamics
Analysis of Structures


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on fundamental concept of structural analysis based

on matrix and finite element technique which can help in understanding ocean structures.


Work and energy theorems, Reciprocal theorem, Analysis of indeterminate frames and trusses, Unit load and

conjugate beam methods, introduction to Influence lines diagram, Strain energy of beams, bars and torsion

members, Matrix formulation of displacement method for frame, truss, bar and torsion members, Beam on

elastic foundation and its stiffness matrix, 3D beam element, Transformation, assembly of stiffness matrices.

Beam-column theory, Geometric stiffness matrix, Buckling of bars and frames, Introduction to finite element

method with application to buckling

2D and 3D theory of elasticity, Equilibrium and compatibility equations in cartesian and polar coordinates,

Strain-displacement relations, Plane stress and plane strain, Use of stress function in 2D problems.

Application of matrix methods to problems of marine structures.

Text Books:

  1. L S Srinath, “Advance Mechanics of Solid”, Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi, 2003
  2. F Guarracino and A Walker, “Energy Methods in Structural Mechanics”, Thomas Telford Publishing,

London, 1999.

  1. Madhulit Mukhopadhyay, Abdul Hamid Sheikh, “Matrix and Finite Element Analysis of Structure”, Ane

Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi., 2009.

Reference Books:

  1. R D Cook, D S Malkus and M E Plesha, “Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis”, John

Wiley & Sons, 1988

  1. D Menon, “Structural analysis”, Narosa, New Delhi, 2010.
  1. D Menon, “Advance Structural analysis”, Narosa, New Delhi, 2010
Ship Resistance and Propulsion


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on ship resistance components, ship

power estimation methods, ship propulsion systems, propeller design methods, ship model tests for

the determination of ship resistance, ship propeller model tests and application to ship design.


Components of resistance; Form factor; Wave making resistance – ship wave systems,

interference effects, theoretical calculation of wave making resistance, wave breaking

resistance, bulbous bows and their effects.

Dimensional analysis – laws of comparison – geometrical, dynamical and kinematical similarity,

Newton’s, Froude’s and Reynold’s laws, model-ship correlation; Model testing – tank testing

facilities, testing, prediction of resistance from model tests, extrapolation (ITTC 78), Froude’s

concept, laminar influence and tank wall effect, comparison of resistance prediction with results

of full scale trials.

Air and wind resistance, resistance of appendages, added resistance in waves; Resistance in

restricted waterways – resistance in shallow water, resistance in canals; Determination of

resistance from series test results; Resistance of planing crafts, multi-hull vessels, hovercrafts,

hydrofoils, SES.

Introduction to different propulsion systems in ships; Screw propeller-screw propeller geometry,

sections, propeller drawing; Propeller theories – momentum theory, blade element theory,

circulation theory.

Interaction between hull and propeller- wake and wake fraction; thrust deduction factor,

propulsive efficiency in open water and behind conditions, hull efficiency, quasi propulsive

coefficient; Powering; Cavitation – types, cavitation number, effects of cavitation, prevention of

cavitation, design for minimum cavitation, cavitation tests.

Propeller design – propeller series, open water diagrams, design charts; Propeller design and

performance study using design charts; Engine selection; Propeller model tests – test facilities,

laws of comparison, open water test, self-propulsion test; Strength of propellers


  1. Resistance calculation using Guldhammer – Harvald series
  2. Shallow water resistance calculation
  3. Propeller design using series chart
  4. Propeller drawing ?


  1. Model test for ship resistance determination
  2. Flow-line test for identifying bilge keel position
  3. Propeller model open water test in towing tank
  4. Model test for wake fraction determination
  5. Self propulsion model test for thrust deduction fraction determination

Text Books:

  1. John Letcher, Randolph Paulling: Principles of Naval Architecture series-Ship Resistance

and flow, SNAME, U.S.A., 2009.

  1. Antony F Molland, Stephen R turnock, Ship resistance and propulsion-practical estimation of

propulsive power,2011.

  1. William Frederick Durand ; Resistance and Propulsion of Ships, Nabu Press, 2013.

Reference Books:

  1. Harvald S.A.; “Resistance and Propulsion of Ships”, John Wiley & Sons., 1983.
  2. Justin E Kerwin, Jacques B Halder:Principles of Naval Architecture series -Propulsion,

SNAME, New Jersey, 2010.

  1. John Carlton, Marine Propellers and propulsion, 2007.
  2. Baker George Stephen, Ship form, Resistance and screw propulsion, Hard press publishing,


  1. D.W. Taylor ; The Speed and Power of Ships ; A Manual of Marine Propulsion, Maritime

Press, 2013

  1. D. W. Taylor ; Resistance of Ships and Screw Propulsion, Unikum, 2012.
Ship Hydrodynamics


To introduce students to different topics of fluid mechanics with emphasis on those having relevance to ship and ocean hydrodynamic applications.


Review: Continuity, Euler, Navier-Stokes (N-S) and Bernoulli equations; Divergence and Stokes

theorems; Potential flow and stream function; Elementary potential flows: parallel flow / source and

sink (2D & 3D) sink / vortex / doublet, flow over circular cylinder with and without circulation.

Role of compressibility; Vector and tensor forms of fluid dynamic equations; Common

nondimensional groups (Froude / Reynolds / Cavitation / Euler / Weber / Strouhal numbers); Stokes

law of viscosity for shear and normal stresses; Circulation and Stokes theorem (2D & 3D); Kelvin’s

circulation theorem and Helmholtz’s vorticity theorems; Vortex line and tube; Vorticity transport

equation, convection and diffusion of vorticity; Potential flow: Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, boundary conditions (rigid and oscillating body or surface, free surface etc.),

superposition of elementary flows, Rankine half and closed bodies etc., method of images, source

or vortex near wall; Kutta-Joukowski theorem and lift; D’Alembert’s paradox; Unsteady flow past

circular cylinder and sphere: added mass; Added mass tensor of rigid bodies in unbounded fluid,

its properties and symmetries; Munk moment; Cavitation; Boundary value problem of gravity waves

and its solution, dispersion and group velocity; Kelvin waves and wave resistance of thin ships.

Lifting surfaces; Foil section characterizations; Flow around a foil: generation of lift, Kutta condition;

Linearised lifting surface theory of thin 2D hydrofoil, thickness and camber problems and their

solutions, lift and moment coefficients.

N-S equations to Prandtl boundary layer (BL) equations by order of magnitude analysis; Dynamic

similarity and boundary conditions; Laminar flow, BL thickness, displacement and momentum

thicknesses; BL separation, bluff and streamlined bodies; Vortex shedding by cylinders, Karman

vortex street, role of Strouhal no.; Vortex induced vibration; Skin friction, BL along a flat plate at

zero incidence, its solution; Blasius formula; Plane Couette flow and Poiseuille flow; Impulsively

started plate; Momentum integral equation of BL; Characteristics of turbulent flow; Drag crisis in

circular cylinder and sphere; Friction due to turbulent BL over flat plate, power law, roughness

effect; N-S equations for mean time averaged quantities: RANS equations and role of CFD.

Applications of all the above in ship design and analysis.

Text Books:

  1. J.N.Newman, Marine Hydrodynamics, MIT Press, 1977
  2. O.M.Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High Speed marine Vehicles, Cambridge Uty Press, 2005
  3. V.Betram, Practical Ship Hydrodynamics, B&H, 2000

Reference Books :

  1. Principles of Naval Architecture, E. V. Lewis (Ed.), SNAME Publications, 1989
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3015 Ship Structural Analysis 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE3035 Motion of Ships & Floating Systems 3 0 0 1 6 10 P
OE3016 Ship Design 3 1 0 1 6 11 P
OE3045 Vibration of Marine Structures & Acoustics 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE3190 Design of Ocean Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Total 18 2 0 2 36 58
Ship Structures


Longitudinal strength-shear force and bending moment-still water and wave loads-deflectionsunsymmetrical

bending-bending stresses and design of midship section.

Shear flow analysis of multicell sections-Torsional analysis-Warping torsion-Determination of

shear and normal stresses-shear lag and effective breadth.

Bending of plates-stiffened, plates-orthotropic, plates-large deflection theories and applications.

Buckling and ultimate strengths of columns, plates and stiffened panels-concept of effective

width-ultimate strength of the hull guider.

Finite elements for simple plated structures-use of computer packages for the analysis of ship


Text Books:

  1. Hughes, O.E, Ship Structural Analysis and Design, SNAME , 2010
  2. Mansour, A. and Liu, D. Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures, PNA series, SNAME 2008

Reference Books :

  1. Jensen, J.J, Load and Global Responses of Ships, Elsevier, 2001
  1. Bai, Y. Marine Structural Design, Elsevier, 2003
Ocean Wave Hydrodynamics


To impart B.Tech students with the knowledge on Waves and wave mechanics. Focus is on theoretical description of waves and their practical applications.


Review of Basic Fluid Mechanics: Conservation of mass and momentum, Euler Equations, Bernoulli’s

equation, velocity potential, stream function.

Waves: Classification of water waves – Two-dimensional wave equation and wave characteristics – wave

theories – Small amplitude waves – Finite amplitude waves – Stokian, Solitary and Cnoidal wave theories

– Water particle kinematics – wave energy, power – wave deformation – Reflection, Refraction,

Diffraction Breaking of waves – Wave Forecasting Methods – Spectral description of Ocean Waves –

Design wave.

Currents : Classification – Behaviour – Design Criteria, Scour and other effects of currents.

Forces : Wave forces – Morison equation – Wave loads on vertical, inclined and horizontal cylinders.

Diffraction theory – wave slamming and slapping. Model Experiments.

Lab : Measurement of wave properties such as L, H, T, C and Cg.

Text Books:

Dean, R.G. and Dalrymple, R.A., Water wave mechanics for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice-Hall,

Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994

Reference Books :

Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley Interscience Publication, New York, 1978.

Ship Motion and Control


To enable the students to get basic knowledge on ship course keeping and course

changing, control devices, ship manoeuvring experimental methods, sea trials and statutory

requirements in ship manoeuvrability, behaviour of ships in ocean wave environment and different

methods of motion control.


Ship motions – co-ordinate systems, 6 dof, uncoupled and coupled equation of motion;

hydrodynamic coefficients; wave excitation – summary of wave theory, dispersion relation, wave

pressure, velocity, acceleration; encounter frequency; motion damping effects, magnification

and tuning factors. Ship responses in regular waves.

Marine environment – Irregular seaway representations, wave spectra; Ship in seaway and

dynamic effects – Linear superposition, response amplitudes operator, motions in irregular

waves, local and relative motions, green water effects, slamming, broaching, added resistance,

powering in waves; motion sickness.

Ship and floating system motion control – Control of roll – bilge keel, free surface tanks, U-tanks,

moving weight;, fin stabilisers, gyro, active-tank;, rudder stabilization; Control of pitch.

Sea-keeping performance and design aspects; factors affecting different modes of motion;

guidelines for design; Limiting motion criteria;

Ship controllability fundamentals – the control loop, motion stability, linear equations of motion,

stability indices; Stability and control in the horizontal and vertical planes; definitive manoeuvres

– turning tests, overshoot and zigzag tests, spiral and pullout tests, accelerating, stopping and

backing tests.

Control surface hydrodynamics – rudder geometry, aspect ratio, influence of fixed structures;

Control surface design – specification of requirements and constraints on rudder design, number

of rudders, type of rudder, rudder geometry, rudder stock; Influence of ship features on controls

fixed stability.

Experimental determination of hydrodynamic derivatives – straight line test, rotating arm

technique, planar motion mechanism; Numerical methods used in ship manoeuvring problems,

ship manoeuvring simulators; IMO Rules and Recommendations. Ship manoeuvring sea trials.


Practicals :

  1. Calculation of free stream characteristics of rudder.
  2. Rudder design – dimensions, form, structure and system
  3. Estimation of hydrodynamic coefficients and RAOs using strip theory


  1. Straight line test in towing tank
  2. PMM tests in the towing tank
  3. Free running models tests in the basin
  4. Roll and heave damping coefficient estimation using free oscillation tests
  5. Ship and floating body motion response in regular waves

Text Books:

  1. Lewis,E.U, Principles of Naval Architecture, SNAME, New Jersey, U.S.A, 2010.
  2. Fossen, T.I, Guidance and Control of Marine Vehicles, John Wiley & Sons, 1999
  3. Molland,A.F and Turnock, S.R., Marine Rudders and Control Surfaces, Elsevier, 2007
  4. Lewandowski, E.M. The Dynamics of Marine Crafts – Seakeeping & Maneuvering, World

Scientific, 2004

Reference Books :

  1. Abkowitz,M.A.; Lectures on Ship Hydrodynamics – Steering and Manoeuverability, Danish

Technical Press, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1964

  1. Khac Duc Do and Jie Pan, Control of Ships and Underwater Vehicles , Springer, 2009
  2. Faltinsen, M.O. Hydrodynamics of High Speed Marine Vehicles, Cambridge Uty Press, 2005
  3. Newman J.N; ‘Marine Hydrodynamics’, MIT Press, USA, 1977
  1. Newman J.N; ‘Theory of Ship Motions’, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol., 1980.
Vibration of Marine Structures & Acoustics


To enable the students to get basic knowledge of structure dynamics of single degree of freedom,

Multi-degree of freedom, continuous system, and acoustics.


Analysis of single degree of freedom systems – Time & Frequency domain methods continuous

system – Modes of vibration – Natural and forced vibration – vibration of beams – Sources of

vibration – propeller excited, wave-induced and machinery – Random vibrations – Calculation

procedure for torsional vibration of propulsion systems – empirical methods.

Hull girder vibration.

Vibration and sound instrumentation – sound transmission and absorption – Acoustic materials –

Origin and nature of machinery noise and their control – Effect of noise on human behavior – Noise

limits and legislations.

Text Books:

  1. Anil Chopra, “Dynamics of Structure” Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006.
  2. R W Clough and J Penzien, “Dynamics of Structure” McGraw-Hill International Publication,


  1. D E Newland, “Random Vibrations, Spectral and Wavelet analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 1993

Reference Books:

  1. L D Lutes and S Sarkani, “Random Vibrations”, Elsevier Butterworth, Burlington, USA, 2004.
  1. J L Humar, “Dynamics of structure”, CRC Press, London, 2012.
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3036 Maneuvering & control of Marine Vehicles 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
OE3046 Ship Structural Design 3 1 0 0 6 10 P
Free Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - IV 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective - V 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
OExxxx Honours Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 HE
Total 15+3 2 0 0 36 56+9
Ship Design


To enable the students to get knowledge in ship design categorization, ship design methods,

different stages of ship design, hull form design methods, ship main and auxiliary systems selection and

layout, safety considerations in ships, statutory rules and regulations applicable in ship design etc. and ship

design softwares.


Marine transportation and trade routes, ship categorization – dead-weight carrier, capacity

carrier, linear dimension ship; Service ships and offshore support vessels; Advanced marine

vehicles; Ship design requirements.

Ship design methods – design using basic type ships, design using coefficients, design using

iteration methods; design spiral; Ship parameters – displacement, displacement coefficient,

displacement equation, volume equation, solution of the cubic equation; Ship dimensions, hull

form, form coefficients; Mass estimation – lightship mass – steel mass, outfit mass, engine plant

mass; dead weight.

Design of hull form – conventional method of lines, distortion of existing forms; stem and stern

contours, bulbous bow.; General arrangement – Subdivision of the ship’s hull and erections,

arrangement of spaces, arrangement of tanks, superstructure and deckhouses, arrangement of

engine plants, cargo handling capacity, hold capacity and stowage factor.

Effect of form on Ship’s performance: Freeboard and load line regulation; Stability – stability

booklet, IMO Regulations, Checks on stability, trim; Watertight integrity; damage stability,

Behaviour of ships in sea, resistance, powering, propulsion

Cargo handling equipments, cargo hatches; Anchoring and mooring systems; Accommodation

requirements, layout and design. Access equipments –hatches, manholes, doors, other closing

& opening devices, load line rules, gang ways and ladders; LSA and FFA; Steering gear

systems, navigational systems.

Tender specification; Economic considerations in ship design and building; Operational

economics; Introduction to ship design softwares.


  1. Computer-Aided ship design – owner’s requirement of ship (given), design of main

dimensions, design of form, weight estimation, hydrostatics, checks on stability, trim,

capacity, general arrangement, etc.

  1. Practicals on softwares dealing with basic ship calculations and ship design.

Text books:

  1. D.G.M.Watson, “Practical Ship Design”, Elsevier (2002)
  2. Thomas Lamb, “Ship Design and Construction”, SNAME (2003)
  3. Apostolos Papanikolaou, Ship Design: Methodologies of preliminary design, , SNAME, 2014.

Reference books:

  1. Schneekluth, H; Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Butterworths, 1987
  2. Taggart; Ship Design and Construction, SNAME, 1980.
  3. Indra Nath Bose, Energy Efficiency and Ships, SNAME, 2012.
  4. Antony F Molland, A Guide to ship design, construction and operation, SNAME, 2008.
Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE3026 Shipyard Training (Summer) 0 0 0 0 6 6 P
Ship Design


To enable the students to get exposed to actual ship building activities and learn all the industry practice in designing and fabrication of a ship


As per industry requirements in concurrence with one faculty advisor

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OExxxx Professional Elective - I 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE5320 Non Linear Problems in Ocean engg 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE6200 Design of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective-VI 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Free Elective-VII 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Honours Elective - II 3 0 0 0 6 9
Total 15 1 0 0 30 45+9
Professional Ethics 2 0 0 0 0 0
Design of Offshore Structures


Loads on offshore structures

Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine Growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability distribution; Seismic Loads;

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling, Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines);

Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads

Simple tubular joints; stress concentration factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations.

Jackup Rigs

Configuration and operation of jackups; Simplified analysis; Spudcan penetration and extraction; Spudcan – pile interaction; Design of jackup legs;

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and Collision)

Behaviour of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and Plastic design methods

Example tutorial problems on design of tubular members, Stress concentration factors, fatigue estimation, wave load on structures

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
HSxxxx Humanities Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 H
OE5230 Foundation of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
OE5500 FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Professional Elective - IV 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Free Elective - VIII 3 0 0 0 6 9 F
Honours Elective - III 3 0 0 0 6 9 HE
Total 12 0 0 0 24 45+9
Foundation of Offshore Structures


Basic Soil Mechanics: Basic soil properties, correlation between engineering parameters, geotechnical investigation, bore log.

Pile foundation: Jacket main piles, skirt piles, driven piles, drilled and grouted piles, steel and concrete piles, axial capacity, point bearing and skin friction, factor of safety, lateral load on piles, p-y, t-z and q-z curves, pile group effect, scour around piles, seabed subsidence and design of piles against seabed movement, negative skin friction, cyclic degradation, main pile to jacket connections, skirt pile to jacket connections, API RP 2A provisions.

Pile Installation: Minimum pile wall thickness, pile handling stresses, static and dynamic stresses, pile stickup, stresses during stick up, wave and current loads, hammer selection, pile driving stresses, wave equation analysis, pile driving fatigue, API RP 2A guidelines.

Pile Testing: Working load test, ultimate load test, pile monitoring during driving, pile integrity testing, high strain dynamic testing, rebound method.

Special foundations: Mud-mats: bearing capacity, sliding stability, over-turning stability, short term and long term settlements, factor of safety; Bucket foundation; Suction anchors; Gravity foundation.

Example problem and tutorial on axial capacity of piles, lateral capacity and load deflection of laterally load piles; Mudmat bearing capacity; group effect;

FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering


Introduction – Different approaches to finite element formulation – Different types of elements and interpolation functions, Language & Hermite Polynomials, natural co-ordinates – Derivation of element property matrices – Assembly – solution of finite element equations – Structural and geotechnical problems – Nonlinear analysis.

Application to fluid mechanics problems, Fluid – structure interaction – Diffraction of waves, 2D formulation using mild – slope equation – use of infinite elements – Added mass and damping matrices for floating bodies, 2D formulation – Harbour resonance, Liquid sloshing – Vibrations of underwater structures – Introduction to Boundary Element Techniques.

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE5370* DD Project – Phase1 0 0 0 15 10 25 P
DD Project - Phase1


Prepare the student to carry out independent tasks


Based on Literature review the student choses the topic of the Project in concurrence with the faculty supervisor.

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE5370* DD Project - Phase 2 0 0 0 10 10 20 P
Provisional Elective - V 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Professional Elective - VI 3 0 0 0 6 9 P
Total 9 0 0 10 28 47
Non-Linear Problems in Ocean Engg


Conservative and nonconservative systems, Quadratic and cubic nonlinearities, Nonlinear damping, Forced oscillations, Sub and Superharmonic responses, Parametrically excited systems, Chaotic motion, System identification.

Nonlinear wave theories and wave loading, Nonlinear models of compliant platforms and soil-structure interaction, Risers and moorings, Nonlinear wave loading on large floating systems, Slow drift oscillation, Random response and statistical analysis.

DD Project - Phase2


Prepare the student to carry out independent tasks


Based on Literature review the student choses the topic of the Project in concurrence with the faculty supervisor.

Course No. Course Title L T ExT Lab Home Cr Cat
OE5370* DD Project – Phase 3 0 0 0 25 15 40 P
Total 0 0 0 25 15 40
DD Project - Phase3


Prepare the student to carry out independent tasks


Based on Literature review the student choses the topic of the Project in concurrence with the faculty supervisor.

No Title L T Ext Lab Home Cr
ELECTIVE (A) - Mathematics
MA2010 Complex Variables 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2030 Differential Equations 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2040 Probability, Stochastic Process &Statisics 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2060 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 0 6 9
MA2130 Basic Graph Theory 3 0 0 0 6 9
ELECTIVE (E) – Professional / Free for NA&OE (BTech&DD)
ME3350 Design of Machine Elements 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM3012 Joining and NDT Lab 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM3060 Metal Joining Technology 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM5320 Corrosion Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
MM5750 Welding Application Technology 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4300 Ocean Energy 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4400 Drilling vessels and Support Crafts 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4600 Advance ship Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Shipbuilding Material & Production Processes 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5011 Marine Robotics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5080 Marine Instrumentation 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5170 Ocean Acoustics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5230 Foundation of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5310 Guidance and control of Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5320 Nonlinear Problems in Ocean Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5330 Advanced Marine Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Advanced Structural Analysis Of Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Fishing Vessels 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Ship Outfit Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of Submarine And Submersible 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Marine Corrosion, Prevention And Control 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Ship Electrical And Electronic Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Ship Positioning Systems 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design Of High Speed Vessels 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Warship Design 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Analysis And Design Tools In Marine Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE4xxx Laboratory Modelling In Marine Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5xxx Design, Construction and Operation of LNG Carriers and Terminals 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5450 Numerical Techniques in Ocean Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5500 FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5600 Advanced Wave Dynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE5800 Coastal Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6005 Reliability of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6020 Mesh-free Methods Applied to Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6200 Design of Offshore Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6300 Plated Structures and Shells 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6930 Modeling of Offshore and Coastal Processes 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6980 Computer Aided Surface Development of Marine 3 0 0 0 6 9
OE6990 Advanced Marine Vehicles 3 0 0 0 6 9
PE6060 HSE Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering 3 0 0 0 6 9
Design of Ocean Structures


To make the students understand the basic principles of design of ocean structures. The course will cover the wide areas such as coastal structures (breakwaters, jetties, ports and harbours) and offshore structures (fixed platforms, floating structures) and the wave-structure interaction.


Coastal Structures:

Design principles of breakwater, seawall, groynes, berthing structures, quaywalls and open sea jetty, breasting and mooring dolphins; Dry Docks, Slipways; Code Provisions : IS 4651, IS 2911 and BS 6349

Offshore Structures:

Concepts and design principles of jacket and topside structures, Tension Leg Platforms, Spar Structures, Jackups and FPSO’s; Concepts and design of foundation for offshore structures; Code Provisions : API RP 2A and API RP 2T

Text Books:

1.Coastal Hydrualics by A.M.M. Wood and C.A. Fleming, Macmillan Press Limited, 1981.

2.Coastal Engineering by K. Horikawa, University of Tokyo Press, 1978

3.Design and Construction of Port and Marine Structures by A. D. Quinn, McGraw-Hill Book Company

4.Port Design – Guidelines and recommendations by C. A. Thoresen, Tapir Publications

5.Design of Marine Facilities for the Berthing, Mooring and Repair of Vessels by J. W. Gaythwaite, Van Nostrand;

Reference Books:

Handbook of Offshore Engineering by S.K. Chakrabarti, Elseviers, 2005.

Ocean Energy


In the world’s present scenario, there is a need for exploring alternative energy sources especially renewable sources like ocean energy. This course will throw light into ocean energy and extraction principles and, create an interest to contribute for the successful extraction of energy from the Ocean in the future.


Generation of waves – Wave theories – Tidal waves – Energy from oceans – Tides, Waves, Currents, Salinity and thermal gradients with special reference to Indian coast – Energy converters for extraction of ocean energy – Design principles of wave power, tidal power and OTEC systems –Cost–benefit analysis.

Advance ship Hydrodynamics


The objective of the course is to introduce advanced theoretical and numerical methods of hydrodynamics needed to determine the resistance and motion characteristics of marine vehicles.


  1. Introduction. Review of basic hydrodynamics, wave mechanics and complexities of practical Ship Hydrodynamics problems.
  2. Navier-Stokes Equation: Formulation and derivation of ship hydrodynamics in real fluids. Some exact solutions including of impulsively started plate. Boundary-Layer theory. Blasius solution. Friction lines of ships.
  3. Computational Fluid Dynamics: Introduction to boundary-integral and finite-difference methods applied for ship hydrodynamics problems. Application of vortex-lattice and panel methods for lifting surface hydrodynamics.
  4. Approximate Methods: Slender body theory; Strip theory for determining ship motion in waves. Michell’s thin ship theory to determine wave resistance.
  5. Recent Advances: Discussion of recent developments and frontier problems in Ship Hydrodynamic

Reference Books and Notes:

  1. Class and lecture notes
  1. N. Newman, “Marine Hydrodynamics,” MIT Press.
  1. M. Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles, Cambridge University Press
  1. Select journal articles in ship hydrodynamics.
Shipbuilding Material & Production Processes


To introduce B.Tech/ M.Tech (Dual Degree) students to the building blocks and principles in the area of ship production and to seed the plants of research and design in their minds. The proposed topics have been arranged with help of experts from shipyard and well known academicians.


Materials (Steel, Aluminum and Composites), Introduction to Marine Corrosion and Control; Painting schemes.

Shipyard layout; Steel stockyard and material; Material preparation – straightening of plates and rolled sections, shot/sand blasting, priming; Fabrication of component parts.

Block assembly processes, Metal cutting processes, Bending of rolled and built up sections; Plate bending. Line heating. Line heating and welding methods, standards, symbols. Sub-assemblies: web frames, machine foundations etc.;

Product standardization and work simplification; Piping, framing, cabling, ventilation, foundation, and accommodation; Painting; Insulation; Product work breakdown and integrated zone engineering;

Prefabrication of panels, panel production line, Assembly of flat and corrugated sections, flat sections with curvature – assembly jigs; Pre-assembly of volume units – double bottom sections–side tank units–structural arrangement; Preassembly of the fore and aft end structure; superstructures.

Erection of ship hull, Auxiliary devices; Deformation of the ship’s hull; Quality control (X-ray tests etc); Scaffolding, Manufacturing Shop floor planning, Activities in shipyard pipe, machine and shipwrights shops. Launching – General methods, Launching by floating off, slipway launching – stern launching, side launching;

Linear programming concepts; Network analysis; Scheduling and resource allocation; Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) in production planning and control; Operations management principles and methods, Applications to the production of complex marine systems such as ships, offshore structures, and yachts.

Tutorials: Planning and scheduling in Matlab, RDBMS in MS-Access; computations in Ms-Excel, Shell expansion drawing, plate nesting, docking plan, launching calculations.

Text books:

[1] George J. Bruce, David J. Eyres (2012), “Ship Construction”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 7th edition.

[2] Ben C. Gerwick Jr. (2007), “Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures”, CRC Press, 3rd edition.

[3] Robert Taggart (1980), “Ship Design and Construction”, SNAME, USA.

[4] L. N. Aggarwal, K. C. Jain (2014), “Production Planning Control & Industrial Management”, Khanna Publishers, India.

Reference books

[1] Richard L. Storch, Colin P. Hammon, Howard M. Bunch (1988), “Ship Production”, Cornell Maritime Pr/Tidewater Publication, 1st edition.

[2] John Letcher, J. Randolph Paulling (2010), “The Principles of Naval Architecture Series: The Geometry of Ships”, SNAME, USA.

Marine Instrumentation


This course focuses on the principles of ocean instrumentation. All instruments consist of the following stages: transduction, signal conditioning, and data observation/analysis. This course describes these principles by using specific instruments such as SONAR, Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profilers, current measurements, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP). In addition to this the course also discusses data analysis for the different measurements recorded by the instruments.


Dynamic response of measuring instruments (with examples), Acoustic instruments and transducers, CTD construction and operation, Expendable ocean instruments, current profilers, and strain gauges, Acoustic positioning systems. Sampling, Spectral Analysis, Basic Filtering, Measuring system response using spectral analysis (magnitude and phase response).

Textbook and Reference Materials

  1. “Mechanical Measurements,” by Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, and John H. Lienhard V, 6th Edition, 2009 ISBN 9780122274305 published by Prentice Hall
  2. James Irish, and Albert Williams III. 2.693 “Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems – Sensors and Measurements (13.998)”, Spring 2004. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 30 Jan, 2015). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
  3. “Encyclopedia of OceanSciences” 2nd Edition Six Volumes set, 2009ISBN9780122274305 published by Academic Press
Ocean Acoustics


The objective of the course is to introduce principles and properties of underwater acoustics through formulation and analysis of transmission, reflection, absorption, attenuation of sound waves in the ocean including boundary and stratification effects.


  1. Introduction. Physical properties of sea water. Effects of density, salinity and temperature on sound speed. Underwater sound channels (USC). Surface and bottom effects. Ambient noise.
  2. Sound Propagation: Wave equation;Helmholtz equation; Lighthill’s acoustic analogy; Point source and plane wave solutions; Refraction of sound waves; Snell’s Law; Caustics and shadow zones; Ray theory.
  • Reflection and Transmission: Changes at an interface between to immiscible liquids. Transmission of sound from air to water and vice versa; Reflection from ocean bottom; Propagation of sound in shallow water.
  1. Sound propagation in Underwater Sound Channel (USC): Ray theory for USC; Munk’s model; Acoustic field as sum of normal modes; Analysis based on a parabolic equation,
  2. Scattering of Sound: Scattering at rough boundary surfaces; Method of small perturbation (MSP); Scattering of sound by surface waves and internal waves.
  3. Sound Radiation: Generation of sound by marine vehicles and offshore platforms.

Acoustics Applications: Remote sensing; Underwater communication; Sonar principle and use; Acoustic tomography; Geophysical seismic exploration.

Reference Books and Notes:

  1. M. Brekhovskikh and Yu. P. Lysanov, “Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics,” Springer Series on Wave Phenomena (Edited by L.B. Felsen), Springer-Verlag, 1982.
  2. Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Sanders, “Fundamentals of Acoustics”, 4th edition, 1999.
  3. Class and lecture notes
Advanced Marine Structures


The course will give a brief overview of Ultimate load design principles and plastic capacity of sections Capacity estimate of tubular joints under axial, flexural and torsional buckling will be discussed. Fundamentals of impact analysis and its application to collision problems on marine structures will be also highlighted. A brief section on fluid-structure interaction highlighting flow induced vibration will be presented. Introductory topics on reliability of marine structures including FOSM and AFSOM methods will be also discussed. Concepts of fatigue analysis and design of marine structures will be presented. The focus is on detailed explanation of topics through numerical examples.


Module 1: Ultimate load design: Principles and factors affecting the strength. Fundamentals of plastic analysis of sections- estimate of plastic capacity of beams and frames- application to marine structures. Theories of failure- Capacity estimate of tubular joints under axial, flexural and torsional buckling-design examples. Fundamentals of impact analysis

Module 2: Fluid-structure interaction- elements of flow-induced vibration- Flow through perforated members

Module 3: Introduction to reliability of marine structures- Reliability concepts and methods- FOSM and AFSOM methods

Module 4: Fatigue and fracture- fatigue failure- cumulative fatigue damage models- fatigue analysis and design of marine structures-spectral fatigue damage

Text Books

  1. Arvid Naess and Torgeir Moan. 2013. Stochastic dynamics of marine structures, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
  2. Chaudhary, G.K and Dover, W.D. 1985. Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subjected to sea wave loading, Int. J. Fatigue, 7.
  3. Gerwick, B.C.Jr. 1986. Construction of Offshore Structures: John Wiley, New York.
  4. Haldar, A., and Mahadevan, S. 2000. Probability, reliability and statistical methods in engineering design. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  5. Hsu, H.T. 1981. Applied Offshore Structural Engineering: Gulf Publishing Co., Houston.
  6. Melchers RE. (1999). Structural reliability: analysis and prediction, 2nd Edition, John Wiley.
  7. Papoulis, A. and Pillai, SU (1991). Probability, random variables and stochastic processes, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  8. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2015a. Dynamic analysis and design of ocean structures. Springer, INDIA, ISBN: 978-81-322-2276-7.
  9. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2015b. Advanced Marine structures, CRC Press, Florida (USA), ISBN 9781498739689.
  10. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2016. Offshore structural engineering: Reliability and Risk Assessment. CRC Press, Florida, ISBN:978-14-987-6519-0.
  11. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran and A.K.Jain. 2016. Ocean structures: Construction, Materials and Operations, CRC Press, Florida, ISBN: 978-14-987-9742-9.
  12. Throft-Christensen, P. and Baker,M. (1982). Structural reliability theory and applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  13. Wirsching, P., Palz K. Ortiz. 2006. Random vibration: Theory and Practice, Dover, NY.

Reference Books:

  1. Ang, AHS and Tang, WH. 1975. Probability concepts in engineering and design, Volume 1 – Basic concepts, John Wiley, NY
  2. Ang, AHS and Tang, WH. 1975. Probability concepts in engineering and design, Volume 2 – Basic concepts, John Wiley, NY
  3. ASTM E 1049-85. 2005. Rain flow counting method, 1987.
  4. Benjamin, JR and Cornell, CA. 1970. Probability, statistics and decisions for civil engineers, John Wiley, New York.
  5. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1987. Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures: Computational Mechanics.
  6. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1990. Non-linear method in offshore engineering, Elsevier Science Publisher, The Netherlands.
  7. Chakrabarti, S. K. 1994.Offshore Structure Modeling: World Scientific.
  8. Clauss, G. T. et al. 1992. Offshore Structures, Vol 1 – Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics: Springer, London.
  9. Dawson, T. H., 1983. Offshore Structural Engineering: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  10. Graff, W.J. 1981. Introduction to offshore structures: Design, fabrication and installation: Gulf Publishing Co, Tokyo.
  11. Graff, W.J. 1981. Introduction to Offshore Structures: Gulf Publishing Co., Houston.
  12. John S. Popovics, Jerzy Zemajtis and Iosif Shkolnik. 2008. Studies on static and dynamic modulus of elasticity, ACI-CRC report.
  13. Kam, J.C.P and Dover, W.D. 1989. Advanced tool for fast assessment of fatigue under offshore random wave stress hostory, INtn of Engrs, Part. 2, 87:539-556.
  14. Kam, J.C.P. and Dover, W.D. 1988. Fast fatigue assessment procedure for offshore structure under random time history, Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 85:689-700.
  15. Love A.E.H. 1994. Mathematical theory of elasticity,, Dover publications Inc, NY.
  16. Madsen, HO, Krenk, S. and NC Lind, NC. (2006). Methods of structural safety, Dover.
  17. Mather, A. 2000. Offshore Engineering: an Introduction, 2nd edn: Witherby
  18. Matsuishi, M. and T. Endo. 1968. Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stresses, Japan Soc. of Mech. Engrs, Fukuoka, Japan, 3:37-40.
  19. Neviele, A. M. 1997. Properties of concrete, 4th Ed, JOhn Wiley & Sons, NY.
  20. Sadehi, K. 1989. Design and analysis of Marine structures: Khajeh Nasirroddin Tsi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  21. Sarpkaya, T. and Isaacson, M. 1981. Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  22. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran and Subrata Kumar Bhattacharyya. 2012. Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures with illustrated examples. Human Resource Development Center for Offshore and Plant Engineering (HOPE Center), Changwon National University Press, Republic of Korea ISBN: 978-89-963915-5-5.

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2014. Advanced Theory on Offshore Plant FEED Engineering, Changwon National University, Republic of South Korea, pp. 237. ISBN:978-89-969792-8-9

Numerical Techniques in Ocean Hydrodynamics


This course is aimed at capability building in students in hydrodyamic computation and code development using traditional and contemporary models. Students are required to carry out a number of basic numerical and advanced hydrodynamic formulations and code development


Revisit Fluid Dynamics fundamentals. Numerical solution of Diffusion, Advection and Burgers’ equations . Requirements of numerical solutions – Lax theorem; linear stability analysis. Introduction to CFD concepts: Pressure elimination, Pressure correction and Split algorithms; modeling of turbulence; introduction to LES, DES and DNS. Computations in solution of PDEs, Pressure elimination and Pressure correction. Introduction to computations using unstructured meshes.
Introduction to Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics: Partial differential equations of inviscid hydrodynamics; Code development and computations of hydrodynamics of wave-structure interaction for fixed and floating bodies using BIEM, BEM and FEM techniques; Application of Fast methods; Time domain computation – non-linear velocity potential and acceleration potential approaches. Free surface computation in viscous models – VOF and Levelset. Computation of the motions of ships in waves. Forward speed problem and computation. Integral boundary layer equations and numerical solutions.
Introduction to Parallel Machines and High Performance Computing.
Text Books: NIL
Reference Books: Anderson, D. Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1995. Tannehill, C., Anderson, D and Pletcher, R. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 1997. Newman, JN. Marine Hydrodynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1977. Journal and thesis publications and prescribed by teacher.

FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering


To familiarize the application of FE techniques in the field of Ocean Hydrodynamics with emphasis on all key elements of the method.


Introduction – Different approaches to finite element formulation – Different types of element and interpolation functions, Lagrange & Hermite Polynomials, natural co-ordinates – Derivation of element property matrices – Assembly – solution of finite element equations – Structural and geotechnical problems – Nonlinear analysis.

Application to fluid mechanics problems, Fluid-structure interaction – Diffraction of waves, 2D formulation using mild – slope equation – use of infinite elements – Added mass and damping matrices for floating bodies, 2D formulation – Harbour resonance, Liquid sloshing – Vibrations of underwater structures

Introduction to Particle based methods/ Lattice Boltzmann Method.

Text Books:

  • N. Reddy. 1984. An Introduction to the finite element method. McGraw Hill. (third edition, 2005)
  • C. Zienkiewicz, R.W. Lewis and K.G. Stagg (eds.) 1978. Numerical methods in Offshore Engineering. Wiley.

Reference Books:

  • D. Cook. 1981. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. Wiley.
  • C. Zienkiewicz. 1977. The Finite Element Method. McGraw Hill. (vol.I, II, III)
  • J. Bathe. 1981. FE procedures in Engineering Analysis.
Advanced Wave Dynamics



Coastal Engineering


To cover the behavior of waves and sediments in the near shore region and their application to coastal Engineering practice with a few case studies.


Waves in shallow waters – Shoaling, refraction, diffraction and breaking– Interaction currents and waves- near shore currents-wave run-up and overtopping- coastal sediment characteristics- Initiation of sediment motion under waves- Radiation stress-wave set-up and wave set- down- mechanics of coastal sediment transport – Limits for littoral drift – Suspended and Bed Load – alongshore sediment transport rate – Distribution of alongshore currents and Sediment transport rates in Surf zone. Physical modeling in Coastal Engineering. Onshore offshore sediment transport – Stability of tidal inlets- Coastal features – Beach Features – Beach cycles – Beach Stability – Beach profiles -Coastal erosion, Planning and methods of coast protection works – Design of shore defense structures – Non-breaking and breaking wave forces on coastal structures -Breakwaters- Classification, Design and application in coastal protection and harbor planning- Case studies on coastal erosion and protection-Generation, propagation and effect of tsunami.

Text Books:

Horikawa,K., Coastal Engineering, University of Tokyo press, 1978

Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York, 1978

Kamphius,J.W. Introduction to coastal Engineering and Management, Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 16, World Scientific,2002.


Reeve,D., Chadwick, A. and Fleming, C. Coastal Engineering-Processes, theory and design practice, Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London & Paris,2004

Silvester,R. and Hsu,J.R.C. Coastal Stabilisation, Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 14, World Scientific, 1997.

Coastal Engineering Manual, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000,, Vol. 1 to 3, July 2003.

Wood,M., Coastal Hydraulics: Mcmillan, Civil Engineering Hydraulics, London, 1969

Decisions.” CIFE Technical Report (177), Stanford University, Stanford.

Reliability of Offshore Structures



Mesh-free Methods Applied to Hydrodynamics


To introduce the students to Meshfree or particle Methods and to show them that there are alternatives to the Mesh based Methods, which are currently being used by the numerical modeling group worldwide.


Numerical modelling; Basics of fluid mechanics; NS – Eulerian and Lagrangian Formulations; Free surface and Body boundary conditions; Time split algorithms; Strong and Weak forms; Weighted Residual methods.

Overview of mesh based methods and meshfree methods; Basic techniques; Categories of meshfree methods; shape function constructions – Issues; SPH; Point Interpolations; Moving least square method; Shepard Functions; Error estimations; Support domain and Influence domain; Weight functions; Meshfree Integrations; Computational Cost; Conservation and Convergence.

Meshfree methods based on Global weak form – EFG; Meshfree methods based on Local weak form – MLPG; Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics; Moving Particle Semi-Implicit method; Essential Boundary conditions – Issues; Turbulence – Sub-particle scale; Meshfree methods applied to fluid dynamics problem; Matrix formulations and solution methods in meshfree methods; application to floating bodies, coastal engineering.

Text Books:

[1] G.R. Liu (2006), “Mesh free methods: Moving beyond the finite element method”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, US.

Reference Books:

[1] J. Anderson (1995), “Computational Fluid Dynamics: The basics with applications”, McGraw-Hill, USA.

[2] Li H and Mulay SS (2013), “Meshless methods and their numerical properties”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, US.

[3] S.N. Atluri (2004), “The Meshless method (MLPG) for domain and BIE discretizations”, Tech Science Press.

[4] G.R. Liu and M.B. Liu (2003), “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”, World Scientific, Singapore. (also available as E-book)

Design of Offshore Structures


Loads on offshore structures

Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine Growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability distribution; Seismic Loads;

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling, Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines);

Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads

Simple tubular joints; stress concentration factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations.

Jackup Rigs

Configuration and operation of jackups; Simplified analysis; Spudcan penetration and extraction; Spudcan – pile interaction; Design of jackup legs;

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and Collision)

Behaviour of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and Plastic design methods

Example tutorial problems on design of tubular members, Stress concentration factors, fatigue estimation, wave load on structures

Modeling of Offshore and Coastal Processes


This computational lab based course provides hands on training on state of the art wave propagation, circulation and morphodynamic models.


Theories of wind – generated ocean waves – Wind-wave Modelling: Third generation Wind – Wave modelling: WAM, SWAN & STWAVE for wave hind-casting and forecasting.

Deformation of water waves: Solution of Helmholtz and Mild slope equations; Nearshore wave propagation in phase-averaging and phase-resolving models; Boussinesq wave model; applications to large bodies and harbours – computations in 2D; introduction to public domain and industry software.

Ocean hydrodynamics: Circulation with Tide, Temperature & Salinity; Turbulence in Ocean; Shallow Water Equations and their solution; applications to Nearshore circulation; Storm surge & Tsunami. Modelling of scalar transport and morphodynamics.

Text Books:

Dyke, P. Modeling Coastal and Offshore Processes. Imperial College Press, 2007.

Komen, G.J., Cavaleri, L., Donelan, M., Hasselmann, K., Hasselmann, S., Janssen, P.A.E.M. Dynamics and modeling of ocean waves, Cambridge university press, New York, 1994.

Nielsen, P. Coastal and Estuarine Processes, World Scientific, 2009.

Reference Books:

Mellor G.L., User Guide for a three-dimensional, primitive equation, numerical ocean model, 1998.

Computer Aided Surface Development of Marine


In a structured manner, this course introduces the mathematics and programming implementation of geometric design that is needed to design smooth and fair curves, surfaces and volumes for engineering sciences – free form shapes.


Module 1: Introduction and classification of geometric modeling forms for curves, surfaces and volumes; differential geometry of curves and surfaces; introduction to spline curves; Bezier splines; Uniform/non-uniform Rational B-splines; and fitting, fairing and generalized cylinders.

Module 2: Introduction to blending surfaces; intersection problems in geometric design; offsets of parametric curves, surfaces and volumes; constructive solid geometry, boundary representation; decomposition models; and advanced topics in differential geometry.

Module 3: Object matching; finite element and boundary element meshing algorithms; robustness of geometric computations; introduction to interval methods; scientific visualization; variational geometry; tolerances; inspection methods; feature representation and recognition; and shape interrogation for design, analysis, and manufacturing.

Text books

[1] G. Farin (2001), Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics, 5th edition, Morgan Kaufmann, USA.

[2] D. F. Rogers and J. A. Adams (1989), Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, India.

Reference books

[1] K. K. Dube (2009), Differential Geometry and Tensors, I. K. International Publishing House PL, India.

[2] Q. Khan (2012), Differential Geometry of Manifolds, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited, India.

[3] N. M. Patrikalakis and T. Maekawa (2010), Shape Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Springer.

[4] D. Somasundaram (2008), Differential Geometry: A First Course, Narosa Book Distributors, India.

Advanced Marine Vehicles


Enable the student to understand, characterize, evaluate resistance, powering and basic hydrodynamic behaviour of advance marine vehicle including warship and submarine


  1. An introduction in advanced marine vehicle (AMV) types.
  2. The basic principles of the different types of advanced marine vehicles will be explained, supported by data of recently build vessels.
  3. Hydrodynamic aspects, the contradiction between resistance and propulsion and on the other hand ships movements will be dealt with.
  4. Design strategies in the design of advanced marine vehicles.
  5. Several types of propulsion systems such as but not limited to water jets, cavitating and non cavitating propellers.
  6. Structural Aspects of AMVs
  7. An introduction to warship and Submarines
  8. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic aspects of warship and Submarine.

Reference Books :

1.Thomas Lamp “Ship Design and Construction” Vol1 and Vol 2 published by SNAME

2.Liang Yun ” High Performance marine vessels” Springer publication3.PJ Gates “Surface Warship-An Introduction to design principles” 1987 Brassey’s Defence Publisher

3.PJ Gates “Surface Warship-An Introduction to design principles” 1987 Brassey’s Defence Publishers.

HSE Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering


  • The course aims to introduce the post-graduate students the basics of oil and gas production systems which will mainly include artificial pumping systems for petroleum production and designing of surface production operations related to storage and processing of reservoir fluids.
  • The course aims to bridge knowledge gap of the students between Drilling and Well Completions and the Petroleum Production Operations.


Petroleum production system, Properties of oil and natural gas, Multi-phase flows in pipes, Inflow performance, Well deliverability, Forecast of well production, natural flow.

Design and analysis of artificial lift systems, selection procedure, pump classification, Sucker rod pump, pumping units, issues in sucker rod pumps, gas interference, Introduction to Electrical submersible pump, pump and motor assembly, gas separator, failure modes, Progressive cavity pump, metallic and non-metallic stator, Hydraulic pump, jet pump, Gas lift, Continuous and intermittent flow gas lift, gas lift valves, Plunger lift.

Reservoir fluid and produced water composition, fluid production system, sand production, three phase fluid separation, classification of separator, components of separator, design of separator, liquid level control, dehydration, demulsification and desalting of oil, produced water treatment, flow control and metering system, oil and gas storage, safety and control systems.

Text books:

  • Petroleum Production Engineering, B. Guo, WC Lyon and A gambhor, Elsevier, 2007.
  • Gas Well Deliquification, JF Lea, HV Nickens, MR Wells , Elsevier, 2008.
  • Standard handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, W.C. Lyons, Gulf publishing Company.
  • Surface production Operations, Volume 1&2, K Arnold and M Stewart, gulf Publishing Company.
  • Electric Submersible Pump, G. Takacs, Elsevier, 2008.
  • Hand Book for Electric Submersible Pump, Centrilift, 1997.
  • Progressive Cavity Pumps, Downhole Pumps, and Mud Motors, Lev Nelik, Gulf publishing company, TX, 2005.
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Engineering, W.C. Lyons, Elsevier. 2010.
  • Gas Lift Manual, API, 1994.
  • The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, K.E. Brown, Pennwell Books, Oklahama, 1980.
  • Petroleum Production Systems, Economides et al., Prenticehall, New jersey, 1994.
  • Production Optimization, H.D. Beggs, OGCI and Petroskills Publications, Tulsa-Oklahama, 2003.

Reference books:

Petroleum Engineering hand book, Vol VI. SPE, 2007.

M.Tech )


M.Tech )
S.No Course No Course Name New Credit System
Lecture Tutorial Extended Tutorial Afternoon Lab Session Time to be spent outside of class Credits in new system
1 OE5050 Ocean Structures and Materials 3 0 0 0 6 9
2 OE5030 Wave Hydrodynamics 3 0 0 1 6 10
4 OE5070 Statistics and Dynamics of Marine Vehicle 3 0 0 1 6 10
3 OE6200 Design of Offshore Structures 3 1 0 0 6 10
6 OE5200 Dynamics of Ocean Structures 3 0 0 0 6 9
5 OE5110 Experimental Methods & Measurements 3 0 0 2 6 11
6 DPE1 Department Elective 1 3 0 0 0 6 9
Total Credits : 60
Wave Hydrodynamics


To give an overview about the waves and its kinematics.


Conservation of mass, moment and Energy. Euler Equation – Bernoullis Equation. Potential and Stream function.

Classification of Ocean Waves. Linear wave theory: Governing Equation, Boundary Conditions and solutions, Dispersion relation, Constancy of wave period. Wave Kinematics : Wave celerity, water particle velocities, accelerations, displacements and pressures. Approximations for deep and shallow water conditions. Integral properties of waves: Mass flux, Energy and energy flux, Group speed, Momentum and momentum flux. Wave Transformations: Shoaling, bottom friction and damping, refraction, reflection and diffraction. Wave Breaking: Type of breaking, Surf similarity parameter. Keulegan-Carpenter number, Ursell Parameter, Scattering parameter, Reynolds Number. Wave Loads: Non breaking wave forces on slender structures – Morison equation; Diffraction theory, source distribution method-Introduction to non-linear wave theories-Strokes, Cnoidal and Solitary wave theory. Mass transport velocity. Introduction to Random and directional waves.


  1. Wave Length, Profile and group velocity;
  2. Wave profile trajectories – progressive and standing waves;
  3. Pressure variations as a function of wave height, water depth and wave period;
  4. Wave reflections.
  5. Force measurements.


Ippen, A.T., Estuary and Coastline Hydrodynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc., New York, 1978

Dean, R.G. and Dalrymple, R.A., Water wave mechanics for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994

Sarpkaya, T. and Isaacson, M., Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1981

Shore Protection Manual Volume I and II, Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Dept, of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington DC, 1984

Weigel, R.L.Oceanographical Engineering, Prenticxe Hall Inc, 1982.

Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York, 1978.

Design of Offshore Structures


The course syllabus is revised to suit both regular and user oriented post-graduate students. The content of the course is designed to explain the principles of design of offshore structures for static, dynamic and accidental loads.


Loads on Offshore Structures

Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability distribution; Seismic Loads;

Concepts of Fixed Platform Jacket and Deck

Jacket concepts, redundant framing arrangement; Launch and Lift jackets; Simple Deck configurations for Lift and float-over installations; In-service and Pre-service Loads and analysis

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling, Design for Hydrostatic pressure; Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines);

Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads

Simple tubular joints, design using allowable loads; stress concentration factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and Collision)

Behavior of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and Plastic design methods.

Jackup Rigs

Configuration and operation of jackups; Simplified analysis; Spudcan penetration and extraction; Spudcan – pile interaction; Design of jackup legs;

Example and tutorial problems on design of tubular members, Stress concentration factors, fatigue estimation, wave load on structures

Statics and Dynamics of Marine Vehicles


Fluid pressure and centre of pressure – estimation of weight and centre of gravity – conditions of equilibrium – definition of meta-centre – hydrostatic particulars – stability at small angles of inclinations – problems of heel and trim-free surface effect – inclining experiment – stability at large angles – dynamic stability allowable KG – stability criteria – capacity stowage, trim and stability booklet – freeboard – damaged stability.

Oscillations of floating bodies – equations of motion – added mass and moment of inertia, damping coefficients – exciting forces and moments due to waves, effect of forward speed – heave, pitch and roll oscillations – strip theory for ship like forms – prediction of motion in irregular seas – method of model tests.

Experimental Methods and Measurements


To give an overview about physical models and different measurement techniques for applications in testing of Ocean, offshore and coastal structures.


Dimensional Analysis with special reference to Model Studies in Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering problems. Principles of Similitude. Design of Models and Fabrication. Hydrodynamic test facilities, Wave makers, Wave absorbers, Modeling of Environment: 2-D and 3-D Wave generation, Transfer function, Spurious waves – Sub and Super harmonic corrections. Hydrodynamic models: Short-wave and Long wave hydrodynamic models.

Modeling of fixed offshore structures: Measurement Techniques for Drag and Inertia Forces, floating structures. Modeling of Coastal Structures: Rubble mound Structures.

Laboratory measurement techniques, Basics of instrumentation systems, Different types of transducers and their principles : Strain gauges, potentiometers, LVDT, and velocity probes, Current probes, Inclinometers, Accelerometers and their specifications, Pressure transducers and wave probes, Design of load cells and instrumented systems, Signal conditioning and data acquisition, Sources of noise and errors in instrumentation systems, Filtering, data, and spectral analysis.


Calibration of the following instruments: Wave probe, LVDT, Accelerometer, Pressure transducer, Load cell, Inclinometer, current probes.

Calibration of wavemaker transfer function; Distorted model scale; Generation of different types of waves; difference in wave generation using 1st order and 2nd order transfer function; natural frequency of system using forced and free vibration test, Case studies.


1. Steven A.Hughes, Physical Models and Laboratory Techniques in Coastal Engineering, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993
2. Chakrabarti, S.K., Offshore Structure Modeling, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994
3. Clayton, B.R. and Bishop, R.E.D., Mechanics of Marine Vehicles, Gulf Publishing Co., USA, 1982
4. Hanna, R.L. and Reed, S.E., Strain Gauge-User’s Handbook, 1992
5. Beckwith,T.G., Marangoni, R.D. and Lienhard, J.H., Mechanical Measurements, Addison Wesley, USA, 1993
6. Collacot, R.A., Structural Integrity Monitoring, Chapman and Hall, London, 1985

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